New York Times, Thursday, January 31, 2019 Puzzle Solution

1. Intelligible : COHERENT
9. Ticker test, for short : EKG
12. Leaves after dinner? : TEA
15. Formal defense : APOLOGIA
16. Homing (in on) : ZEROING
20. Tropical black bird : ANI
21. Number between cinque and sette : SEI
22. Economic crisis : PANIC
23. Exploit : DEED
25. Sporty auto feature : TTOP
27. Commercial lead-in to film : LUCAS
31. Let in or let on : ADMIT
33. Novelty singer/songwriter ___ Sherman : ALLAN
36. Symbol in the logo of the Democratic Socialists of America : ROSE
37. Starting : ASOF
39. Pile for a record company exec : DEMOS
41. Cancel : NIX
42. 68-Down with a slash inside it : LINCOLNSBIRTHDAY
46. Like 2001 : ODD
47. Relative whose name sounds like a city in France : NIECE
48. "Didn't you get the ___?" : MEMO
49. Capital on the Dnieper : KIEV
51. Giggly outburst : TEHEE
53. Development sites : WOMBS
56. One loitering : IDLER
58. Suffix with psych- : OSIS
60. Term of address in "The Wizard of Id" : SIRE
61. Right-hand page : RECTO
64. Palindromic relative : SIS
66. Carpet quality : NAP
67. 68-Down with a degree sign after it : H2OSBOILINGPOINT
72. Steak accompanier : A1SAUCE
73. Like many classical statues : SEMINUDE
74. Some I.R.S. forms : W2S
75. Dispirited : SAD
76. Send : TRANSMIT
1. Powerhouse in curling : CANADA
2. Went on first : OPENED
3. Game show host with a shaved head : HOWIEMANDEL
4. Cambridgeshire cathedral city : ELY
5. Bush critters : ROOS
6. Old plume source : EGRET
7. 1986 Elton John love song : NIKITA
8. Lab instructors, often : TAS
9. Book after II Chronicles : EZRA
10. Sharp : KEEN
11. Holy ___ : GRAIL
12. Quinceañera attendee, perhaps : TIO
13. Expire : END
14. At least 35, for a U.S. president : AGE
17. Transpire : OCCUR
19. Alternative to TGI Fridays : APPLEBEES
24. CD part : DISC
26. Traditional : OLDSCHOOL
28. Timeshare unit, often : CONDOMINIUM
29. Section of The Economist : ASIA
30. Fetching : SEXY
32. Bugs Bunny or Jessica Rabbit : TOON
34. Self-reflective question : AMI
35. Standard : NORM
38. Move like a moth : FLIT
40. Mishmash : STEW
42. Aesir trickster : LOKI
43. Terse admission : IDID
44. Once named : NEE
45. Med. insurance groups : HMOS
50. Vice ___ : VERSA
52. Former Disney exec Michael : EISNER
54. Soccer star Chastain : BRANDI
55. Snow White's housemates, for instance : SEPTET
57. Teaser that may include pluses and minuses : REBUS
59. Summation symbol, in math : SIGMA
62. Part of a white script on a red can : COCA
63. Not up or down : TIED
65. Short drive : SPIN
67. Hem's partner : HAW
68. Palindromic number : 212
69. Predecessor of the C.I.A. : OSS
70. German 101 verb : IST
71. Carry-___ (some luggage) : ONS
