1. Lifelong pals, slangily : BFFS
5. Japanese P.M. Shinzo ___ : ABE
8. Gaiety : MIRTH
13. Subjects for saving : SOULS
14. Military pilot's waiting area : READYROOM
16. 1997-2006 U.N. chief : ANNAN
17. Calculating competitors : MATHLETES
18. Piques : WHETS
19. Cropped up : ARISEN
20. Metric unit : IAMB
21. Mark up, perhaps : EDIT
22. Shakers and Quakers : SECTS
26. Official approval : IMPRIMATUR
29. Largely monosyllabic language : LAO
30. Prospectors' prospects : LODES
31. Trap for the unwary : PITFALL
34. Camel purchaser, e.g. : SMOKER
36. First-rate : CHOICE
37. Recorded, as data : KEYEDIN
39. Unit on a utility bill : THERM
40. Liverpool-to-Nottingham dir. : ESE
41. One might be sent with a scent : LOVELETTER
45. Desert gullies : WADIS
48. Like poppy seeds : TINY
49. Perfect : HONE
50. Big name in yo-yos : DUNCAN
52. Southpaw : LEFTY
53. Way to get fit while you sit : CHAIRYOGA
56. Not out of it : AWARE
57. Something to shuck : EAROFCORN
58. Natural coats : RIMES
59. Originates (from) : STEMS
60. Muscle strengthened in rowing, briefly : LAT
61. ___ pants : KNEE
1. Drummer John of Led Zeppelin : BONHAM
2. Between jobs and loving it : FUNEMPLOYED
3. Busted : FLATBROKE
4. Joint acct. info : SSNS
5. Naval forces : ARMADAS
6. Endure, in an expression : BEARIT
7. Savor the flattery : EATITUP
8. Standish of Plymouth Colony : MYLES
9. 1935 Nobelist Joliot-Curie : IRENE
10. Bushwa : ROT
11. One of four for an ostrich : TOE
12. Naval inits. : HMS
13. Horror film sequel of 2005 : SAWII
15. A.L. lineup fixtures : DHS
21. Former "Top Chef" judge : EMERIL
23. Defining accomplishment : CLAIMTOFAME
24. Mineral on the Mohs scale : TALC
25. Fish order : SOLE
27. Chose from the lineup, in brief : IDED
28. In full measure : RICHLY
32. Pronoun in both "America" and "America the Beautiful" : THEE
33. Modern cry of success : FORTHEWIN
34. Twist : SKEW
35. Canyonlands National Park feature : MESA
38. "That was totally out of line" : NOTCOOL
39. "Doctor Who" actor David : TENNANT
42. Pfizer product : VIAGRA
43. Primary course : ENTREE
44. California's Point ___ : REYES
46. In the wings or in full swing : IDIOM
47. Is on board? : SURFS
51. Home of 30 Rock : NYC
52. Bird symbolizing daybreak : LARK
53. These: Fr. : CES
54. Derby, e.g. : HAT
55. Consist of : ARE
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