February 15 2019 USA Today - Feb 15 2019 Puzzle Solution

USA Today - Feb 15 2019

Clues Answers
'Didn't I tell you?' SEE
'Funny Girl' leading role FANNYBRICE
'Spider-Man' studio SONY
Add firewood to STOKE
Adverb in sale flyers ONLY
At a remote point AFAR
ATM charge FEE
Box office duds BOMBS
Braying equine ASS
Brewery barrels KEGS
Bring about, as change EFFECT
Chat room annoyance TROLL
Cities with wharves PORTS
Club income DUES
Coin bearing a shield CENT
Colorado ski mecca ASPEN
Concerning, on a memo ASTO
Cookie in dirt cake OREO
Cuddly creature of Endor EWOK
Cyber Monday transactions ETAIL
Defense treaty partner ALLY
Dissident politician of 1948 DIXIECRAT
Drew Carey's sitcom nemesis MIMI
Editorial standpoint VIEW
Enlighten morally EDIFY
EPA-banned pesticide DDT
Europe's most active volcano ETNA
Executive's neckwear POWERTIE
Floorboards sound CREAK
Forfeit, as rights WAIVE
Greek vowel containing three vowels IOTA
Heart outlet AORTA
Hyenas' hangouts DENS
In need of comforting SAD
In one's lifetime EVER
Inexact recipe quantity DASH
Irene on the 'Flashdance' soundtrack CARA
Irish-speaking singer ENYA
Clues Answers
Item on a jailer's ring KEY
Jack London seafarer WOLFLARSEN
Johnny Mathis classic MISTY
Kitchen chopper DICER
Last Supper table item GRAIL
Leader of moviedom's Pussycats JOSIE
Like instant eggs POWDERED
Like the Mojave ARID
Local plant life FLORA
Men's Wearhouse buy SUIT
Muscular quality TONE
One to hang out with PAL
Online pop-ups ADS
Pitchfork-toting tempter SATAN
Prepares for takeoff TAXIS
Prescription unit DOSE
Put forth, as a guess HAZARDED
Rises like a startled horse REARS
Scared cat's back shape ARCH
Seacrest's TV partner RIPA
Signal from an empty stomach PANG
Speak scratchily RASP
Spiritual mentor GURU
Start of a polite request MAY
Taboo activities DONTS
Tense post-WWII period COLDWAR
Texas senator Ted CRUZ
Trinkets on trees ORNAMENTS
Trouble-free state EASE
Vehicle that 40-Across PLANE
Wanders aimlessly ROVES
Wing walking, e.g STUNT
Witness stand statements OATHS
Woodward of 'Philadelphia' JOANNE
Word after glass or square JAW
Worker's daily grind RATRACE
Yoga class pads MATS
___ salts (foot bath additive) EPSOM
___-bitty ITTY
