Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. Shoestrings : LACES6. Cook in oil : FRY
9. Brewing giant originally based in Milwaukee : PABST
14. Roofing alternative to shingles : SLATE
15. Whopper (but not the Burger King kind) : LIE
16. Hawaiian greeting : ALOHA
17. Extremely inexpensive : DIRT CHEAP
19. Things sometimes hidden behind paintings : SAFES
20. Extinguish, as a fire : PUT OUT
21. Cost of a bank transaction that’s not with one’s own bank : ATM FEE
22. Confucian philosophy : TAO
24. Bottom-up, as a political movement : GRASS-ROOTS
26. Runs away to marry : ELOPES
29. Like some winter highways : ICY
30. Perfect test grade : A-PLUS
31. New Testament trio : MAGI
33. Pop a fly? : SWAT
37. “Now things are getting interesting” … or a hint to the first words of 17-, 24-, 45- and 57-Across : THE PLOT THICKENS
40. Gilbert of “Roseanne” and “The Conners” : SARA
41. Knots : TIES
42. Ship of 1492 : PINTA
43. High degree : PHD
44. Bub : BUSTER
45. Amateurish : BUSH LEAGUE
51. GPS lines: Abbr. : RDS
52. Going from gig to gig : ON TOUR
53. Texas city seen in many westerns : LAREDO
56. Hatred : ODIUM
57. Bars that kids go to? : JUNGLE GYM
60. Get a feeling : SENSE
61. Iraq War danger, in brief : IED
62. One of the Hawaiian Islands : KAUAI
63. Parts of a forest : TREES
64. “Here’s something interesting,” in brief : FYI
65. Got some Z’s : SLEPT
1. Timothy Leary’s drug : LSD2. “The Greatest” in the ring : ALI
3. One who doesn’t travel to work alone : CARPOOLER
4. “___, Brute!” : ET TU
5. Religious offshoot : SECT
6. ___-de-lis : FLEUR
7. Cowboy’s rope : RIATA
8. Informal affirmative : YEP
9. Danish or cream puff : PASTRY
10. Avis competitor : ALAMO
11. Highly successful, in theaterspeak : BOFFO
12. One of 500 in a ream : SHEET
13. Zaps with a police gun : TASES
18. Harleys, in slang : HOGS
21. PC character set : ASCII
22. Milk dispensers : TEATS
23. Leader of the pack : ALPHA
25. Sounds of resignation : SIGHS
27. Stage after larva : PUPA
28. Bilingualism subj. : ESL
31. Sacred peak in Greek myth: Abbr. : MT IDA
32. Had one’s fill : ATE
33. Equipment often transported on a car’s roof : SKIS
34. Was a maverick : WENT ROGUE
35. Chipped in at a poker game : ANTED
36. Old Russian royals : TSARS
38. None of the above : OTHER
39. Computer’s “brain,” for short : CPU
43. Clouds of smoke : PLUMES
44. What the Titanic had a disastrous encounter with : BERG
45. Give a lift : BOOST
46. Beneath : UNDER
47. “Goosebumps” writer R. L. ___ : STINE
48. One of four purchased for a Monopoly property : HOUSE
49. Sticky : GLUEY
50. We, on a candy heart : U AND I
54. Fraternal group : ELKS
55. “You’re on!” : DEAL!
57. Alternative to Skippy or Peter Pan : JIF
58. Big mouth : YAP
59. Cambridge sch. for budding engineers : MIT
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