February 23 2019 New York Times - Feb 23 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 23 2019 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'I wouldn't do that' BADIDEA
'Riverdale' or 'The O.C.' TEENDRAMA
'Yes, that's it!' AHA
Anatomical dividers SEPTA
Around CIRCA
Bender SPREE
Best-selling compact S.U.V. introduced in 2007 NISSANROGUE
Blocked from view HID
Bump on a log BURL
Capital NNE of Marrakesh RABAT
Captures NETS
Celebrity embarrassment, maybe SEXTAPE
Conjunction in a rebus puzzle OAR
Customer ___ CARE
Did a farrier's job on SHOD
Did a film editing job on RECUT
Disappointing news at an outdoor sports event RAINDELAY
Dr.'s order MRI
DSL device MODEM
Dweller in the Eastern Himalayas BHUTANI
Evergreens whose leaves are used culinarily BAYTREES
Evidence of eligibility for senior discounts AARPCARD
Exceptional athlete IRONMAN
First-time Winter Olympics participant of 2014 MALTA
Fruit with a yellow rind CASABA
Hard covers SCABS
Hebrew leaders ALEPHS
Hit 2010s sci-fi series in which a single actress plays multiple clones ORPHANBLACK
Hometown of Kamala Harris OAKLAND
Important word in both physics and religion MASS
Man's name that spells a fictional people backward IVAN
Many an American Legion member of the '50s-'60s WWIIVET
Milk-derived LACTIC
Mob rule? RIOTACT
Mosquito-borne danger in 2016 news ZIKAVIRUS
Clues Answers
Multiple choice choices ABC
N.B.A. Western Conference team, familiarly MAVS
Name attached to a Southeastern '-ville' KNOX
New contacts, informally ADDS
Not publicize for now SITON
Parental nickname MOMMA
Predators of the Amazon ANACONDAS
Prey for a jackal MEERKAT
Price abbr CTS
Red-haired film princess ARIEL
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band named after its leader SANTANA
Rope, essentially BRAID
Rushes HIES
Sally of the Obama administration YATES
Shout of support RAH
Spiffy SHARP
Start of an old boast VENI
Sticking out SALIENT
Stink ODOR
String of churches? ROSARY
Strong winds may push them back, in brief ETDS
Supply during a boom? TNT
Symbol of life ANKH
Tightly packed, disorderly crowd SCRUM
Unchanged ASIS
Uncle's name SAM
Villain's cackle MWAHAHAHA
Web and TV broadcast about celebrities TMZLIVE
Wee hour TWOAM
Wee wee? LIL
Western on A.F.I.'s '100 Years ... 100 Movies' list SHANE
What ancient Egyptians treated with honey ACNE
Words to live by ADAGE
Words yawned in the afternoon INEEDANAP
___ rights MIRANDA
