February 27 2019 New York Times - Feb 27 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 27 2019

Clues Answers
'70s rock? PET
'All right already!' OKOK
'Good gravy!' EGAD
'Good joke!' HAHA
'Stat!' ASAP
Animal also called a Nittany lion PUMA
Anise-flavored liqueur OUZO
Auto-reply? ECHO
Autoplaying annoyances, sometimes ADS
Bar snack BEERNUTS
Brunch partner of 46-Down EGGS
Brunch partner of 47-Down STEAK
Bud of baseball SELIG
Causes (oneself) to be cherished ENDEARS
Ceiling CAP
City whose cathedral is the subject of a series of Monet paintings ROUEN
Desert in southern Africa NAMIB
Dish that can give you garlic breath SCAMPI
Do some digging PROBE
Doesn't just choose randomly HANDPICKS
Douglas ___, author of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' ADAMS
Enjoy a nice long bath SOAK
Extremely, informally WAY
Exuded OOZED
Eyelike openings OCULI
Features of leopards SPOTS
Ferrara who directed 'King of New York' ABEL
Flabbergast STUN
Gay anthem of 1978 YMCA
Go for a stroll AMBLE
Hotel sojourns STAYS
How emotionally developed people handle things Maturely
Inauguration recitation OATH
Increased UPPED
Indian bread NAAN
Italian word with a grave accent that becomes a brand name with an acute accent RAGU
Job in a monastery SCRIBE
Long-beaked bird HERON
Clues Answers
Noted family of German composers BACHS
One cabinet in a kitchen, typically GLASSWARE
One who gets booked, informally PERP
Park place? CURB
Part of a website PAGE
Pharaonic symbols SCARABS
Phishing scheme, e.g SCAM
Pod creature ORCA
Positive PRO
Pre-22-Across FOREWORD
Pre-29-Across AUGURY
Pre-44-Across DICTATE
Pre-50-Across EARLY
Prominent Gorbachev feature BIRTHMARK
Red Scare epithet PINKO
Regal maker BUICK
Romantically pursue WOO
Scotch flavorer PEAT
Skunk's defense SPRAY
Some Craigslist listings: Abbr APTS
Some Spanish murals SERTS
Soup thickener AGAR
Subject in acting school DICTION
Suddenly got excited PERKEDUP
Supermarket aids CARTS
Target of the U.S.-backed Radio MartĂ­ CUBA
Thatcher's creation ROOF
The Teflon Don GOTTI
Tiny amount SOU
Very often ALOT
Virgil's fellow traveler DANTE
Was afraid of losing RANSCARED
Wasn't late for MADE
Where a supervillain schemes LAIR
Where a telescope points SKY
With the bow, in music ARCO
___ boots GOGO
___ Whitehead, author of the 2017 Pulitzer-winning novel 'The Underground Railroad' COLSON
