1. Lid attachment : LASH
5. Mixes in : ADDS
9. Make art on glass or metal : ETCH
13. Billy the Kid vis-à-vis Henry McCarty : ALIAS
15. Lecherous person : ROUE
16. Boutique-filled N.Y.C. neighborhood : SOHO
17. "___, do these jeans make me look fat?" : BUTTWEIGHT
19. Perfectly : TOAT
20. "You're oversharing!" : TMI
21. Levine of Maroon 5 : ADAM
22. Big swigs : BELTS
23. Part of a movie that can be spoiled : ENDING
25. "___! The flight attendant just swatted a bug!" : AISLEBEE
28. Smooth sailing site : CALMSEA
30. Place with treatments : SPA
31. Club with travel advice, for short : AAA
32. Pay attention to : HEED
33. Mark that's just above average : CPLUS
35. Place where you can get stuck : RUT
36. "___, would you like to purchase some religious music?" : BUYCHANTS
40. Not just any : THE
43. Peer through a window, maybe : SEEIN
44. Myriad : HOST
48. Mr. Rogers : ROY
49. The Na'vi in "Avatar," e.g. : ETS
50. Meet (with) at midday, say : DOLUNCH
53. "___ and those crazy sheep costumes!" : EWEGUISE
56. Bakery-cafe chain : PANERA
57. Bikini part : STRAP
58. Actor Neeson : LIAM
60. "On the other hand ..." : YET
61. Where Paris took Helen : TROY
62. "___! Petr, I'm begging you again to let me get this!" : CZECHPLEAS
65. Break in the action : LULL
66. Really cool, in slang : SICK
67. "Me, too!" : SOAMI
68. Slippery : EELY
69. Teensy : ITTY
70. Harness racing gait : TROT
1. Research assistant, informally : LABTECH
2. Female graduates : ALUMNAE
3. Not get used : SITIDLE
4. Makeshift receptacle for ballots : HAT
5. "O mio babbino caro," e.g. : ARIA
6. Foundational teachings : DOGMA
7. "Obviously, Sherlock!" : DUH
8. Wimbledon unit : SET
9. First name in perfumes : ESTEE
10. Windows strip : TOOLBAR
11. The Louvre, originally : CHATEAU
12. Spot where one might get grilled : HOTSEAT
14. Some origami birds : SWANS
18. Advantage : EDGE
22. Quarry noise : BLAST
24. Website for film buffs : IMDB
26. Upscale kitchen feature : ISLAND
27. Told, as tales : SPUN
29. Hacker's goal : ACCESS
34. Fraternity letter : PHI
37. Exhaust : USEUP
38. Dubious Tibetan sighting : YETI
39. Ostracize : SHUN
40. Part of a bridge : TRESTLE
41. "Amen!" : HOWTRUE
42. "Puh-leeze!," in facial form : EYEROLL
45. Lease term, often : ONEYEAR
46. Loud subgenre of punk : SCREAMO
47. "Bingo!" : THATSIT
51. Colorful fish : OPAH
52. Genie holders : LAMPS
54. In a jovial way : GAYLY
55. Choose : ELECT
59. Ugh-worthy : ICKY
62. TV drama of 2000-15 : CSI
63. Benzoyl peroxide target, informally : ZIT
64. Fate : LOT
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