New York Times, Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Mar 6 2019

Clues Answers
'And yet ...' BUTNO
'Didn't intend for that!' OOPS
'It's mine!' DIBS
'Phooey' DRAT
'The Amazing Spider-Man' director, amazingly enough WEBB
'Too frustrating for me!' ICANT
'Uh-uh' NAW
1950s-'60s TV emcee Jack PAAR
Actress Falco EDIE
Allege AVER
Alternative to Target KOHLS
Area abutting a transept APSE
Best TOP
Big employer in Huntsville, Ala NASA
Bring up ... or something brought up REAR
Canine command SIT
Caprice WHIM
Charlemagne's domain: Abbr HRE
City just east of Gulfport BILOXI
Country with a Supreme Leader IRAN
Cry when warmer weather returns SPRINGHASSPRUNG
Current event? ELNINO
Dutch banking giant ING
English head LOO
Experience auditory hallucinations HEARTHINGS
Exploding stars NOVAE
Follower of crack or crock POT
Funny Samberg ANDY
Gift for a ukulele player LEI
Global financial org IMF
Gusted BLEW
Hindu's bindi, traditionally REDDOT
History moving forward MARCHOFPROGRESS
I-, in chemistry IODIDE
Identify TAG
In a nervous manner EDGILY
Irish girl's name related to the word 'honor' NOREEN
Italian province where Moscato is produced ASTI
Jai ___ ALAI
Clues Answers
Latin phrase on memos INRE
Losing line in tic-tac-toe OXX
Lower limits, in math MINIMA
Lowest number not found on a grandfather clock XIII
Melville work following 'Typee' OMOO
Michael who played the title role in 2014's 'Cesar Chavez' PENA
National Zoo animal on loan from China GIANTPANDA
Needing moisturizer DRY
New World parrots MACAWS
Not be bothered by something LETITSLIDE
Not nice MEAN
OB/___ GYN
One you might squabble with in the back seat SIB
Part of a Viking message RUNE
Peter or Paul TSAR
Quench SATE
Readily open to change LABILE
Rung #1 of an apt word ladder LION
Rung #2 of the ladder LIMN
Rung #3 of the ladder LIMB
Rung #4 of the ladder LAMB
Same-___ marriage SEX
Shadow TAIL
Singer/songwriter Smith SAM
South side? OKRA
Spit in the food? SKEWER
Stuffed with ham and Swiss cheese CORDONBLEU
Style of yoga in a heated room BIKRAM
Subscription option RENEW
Supermarket section DELI
Takes five RESTS
Taqueria option ASADA
To whom 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman?' is sung ELSA
Trade show EXPO
Typist's stat: Abbr WPM
Where Hawks soar: Abbr ATL
Woman's name that's a city in Oklahoma ENID
___ land LALA
