Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. [It’s gone!] : POOF!5. Visit on a whim : POP BY
10. ___-relief : BAS
13. Folk singer Mitchell : JONI
14. Heart chambers : ATRIA
15. Accessory for Sherlock Holmes : PIPE
16. Combat trauma : SHELL SHOCK
18. Real estate measurement : AREA
19. Made more bearable : EASED
20. Center : MIDST
21. Exam monitor : PROCTOR
24. Leave quickly, as from a parking spot : PEEL OUT
26. Comedian who said “In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem” : CARLIN
27. Offended : HURT
28. Zilch : NIL
29. Dutch painter Jan : STEEN
30. Indian wedding garb : SARI
31. “Great” boy detective : NATE
32. Baseball field maintainers : GROUNDS CREW
35. Run ___ : AMOK
37. What the Roman goddess Fortuna controls : FATE
38. Nimble : AGILE
41. Sweeping movie shot : PAN
42. Restaurant order specification : TO GO
43. Hank of “The Simpsons” : AZARIA
44. Casino V.I.P. : PIT BOSS
46. Larghissimo, among all musical tempos : SLOWEST
47. “The Smartest Guys in the Room” company : ENRON
48. Tony winner McDonald : AUDRA
49. ___ Clooney, lawyer often seen in tabloids : AMAL
50. Place for kitchen scraps, such as those starting 16-, 24-, 32- and 44-Across : COMPOST BIN
55. Apt rhyme for “invade” : RAID
56. Farewell in France : ADIEU
57. DVR pioneer : TIVO
58. Weekly show broadcast from Rockefeller Center, for short : SNL
59. Jury members : PEERS
60. Goulash, e.g. : STEW
1. Sleepover attire, briefly : PJS2. “Impressive!” : OOH!
3. x’s positive value in the equation 2x = 4x^2 – 2 : ONE
4. Low-level law firm employee : FILE CLERK
5. Forgo : PASS ON
6. Questionnaire choice : OTHER
7. Egg on : PROD
8. Disposable lighter brand : BIC
9. Himalayan beast : YAK
10. Goldie Hawn comedy or Leonard Cohen documentary : BIRD ON A WIRE
11. Hairy Halloween costume : APE SUIT
12. Where Boeing was founded : SEATTLE
15. Water holder for a farm animal : PAIL
17. Like Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz : LATINO
20. N.Y.C. museum, with “the” : MET
21. Mac competitors : PCS
22. Snitch : RAT
23. Path for Western settlers : OREGON TRAIL
24. Prize money : PURSE
25. Guitar legend Clapton : ERIC
27. Couldn’t say no : HAD TO
30. Slight problems : SNAGS
31. Units of power saved, in modern lingo : NEGAWATTS
33. E.T. vehicles : UFOS
34. Bathroom items that might be confiscated by the T.S.A. : RAZORS
35. Materializes : APPEARS
36. Go-to guy : MAIN MAN
39. Fleur-de-___ : LIS
40. Break bread : EAT
42. Boatload : TON
43. “Brave New World” author Huxley : ALDOUS
45. Audacious : BOLD
46. “Terrific!” : SUPER!
48. Female friend in France : AMIE
50. Upper limit : CAP
51. Words of praise : ODE
52. Fell for a joke : BIT
53. “___ Got You Under My Skin” : I’VE
54. Parent’s emphatic order : NOW!
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