Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. Baja resort : CABO5. Prefix with cycle or sphere : HEMI-
9. Choice words : AND/OR
14. Informed about : UP ON
15. Big publisher of romance novels : AVON
16. Tour leader : GUIDE
17. Debate venues : FORA
18. Nickname of an Israeli leader : BIBI
19. What Fortune magazine called “America’s most innovative company” for six consecutive years : ENRON
20. With 58-Across, iconic frontman of 39-Across : FREDDIE …
22. 25-Down, notably : CONCERT
24. ___ of Hormuz : STRAIT
25. Words in an old French cheer : … LE ROI
26. Manhattan Project physicist Bruno ___ : ROSSI
28. Many a decal : IRON-ON
32. Home run, in slang : TATER
35. June Cleaver or Marge Simpson : TV MOM
37. Bedazzle : AWE
38. 1977 album with a palindromic title : AJA
39. British rock band that gave an iconic performance at 25-Down : QUEEN
40. Subject of a spot check? : ZIT
41. Easygoing, and then some : LAX
42. Darfur’s locale : SUDAN
43. Exclaims : CRIES
45. Sevastopol’s locale : CRIMEA
47. Something to debate : ISSUE
49. Softened : EASED
51. Service, maybe : TEA SET
55. 25-Down, notably : BENEFIT
58. See 20-Across : … MERCURY
59. White mushroom : ENOKI
60. River in W.W. I fighting : YSER
62. Sting, e.g. : TRAP
63. April Fools’ Day birth, e.g. : ARIES
64. Make silent : MUTE
65. “Where ___?” : ELSE
66. One of three biblical gifts : MYRRH
67. Part of a dog breed’s name : APSO
68. Went platinum? : DYED
1. Police officer’s equipment : CUFFS2. Left on a ship : APORT
3. Hole maker : BORER
4. How you might go zip-lining : ON A DARE
5. Things that are kicked : HABITS
6. Wilcox daughter in “Howards End” : EVIE
7. Flash ___ : MOB
8. How fish on a fishing boat are stored : IN ICE
9. Benchmark figure given how old a person is : AGE NORM
10. Vatican diplomat : NUNCIO
11. Urgent : DIRE
12. Fragrance : ODOR
13. Hit musical set in 1990s New York : RENT
21. Designer who said “My dream is to save women from nature” : DIOR
23. Hunter in the heavens : ORION
25. 1985 fund-raising event watched by 1.5+ billion people : LIVE AID
27. Tuxedo shirt attachment : STUD
29. “Life Is Beautiful” extra : NAZI
30. Baby’s boo-boo : OWIE
31. Clears : NETS
32. Rash decision? : TALC
33. Cracked a little : AJAR
34. Lyft alternative : TAXI
36. Kind of store or chorus : MEN’S
39. Somewhat : QUASI
42. Haddock or hake : SEA FISH
43. One who might work in the wings of a theater : CUER
44. Flinched or blinked : REACTED
46. Not as assertive : MEEKER
48. Two-channel : STEREO
50. Root words : ETYMA
52. Bad-tempered and unfriendly : SURLY
53. Leave no trace of : ERASE
54. Entered (in) : TYPED
55. Radiant smile : BEAM
56. Professor Higgins, to Eliza : ‘ENRY
57. “Strangers on a Train” film genre : NOIR
58. 2015 World Series team : METS
61. Bro hello : SUP?
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