Complete List of Clues/Answers
1. Commercial line : SLOGAN7. Hit 1980 musical with the song “Join the Circus” : BARNUM
13. Accessory for Minnie Mouse : HAIR BOW
15. Handle a chopper, say : AVIATE
16. Many a Falcons or Hawks fan : ATLANTAN
18. “Huddled” group in an inscription on the Statue of Liberty : MASSES
19. “O.K., I get it!” : YES YES!
21. Jags : TEARS
22. Org. with many operations : CIA
25. Part of a cable network? : GONDOLA
27. “The Great Ziegfeld” co-star, 1936 : LOY
28. Santa ___ Derby : ANITA
30. Struggles : EFFORTS
32. Sail extender : SPRIT
33. Thick cut : SLAB
34. Station predictions, for short : ETAS
37. Gathering where burping is encouraged : TUPPERWARE PARTY
40. “You’re killing me!” : STOP!
41. Countless centuries : EONS
42. Like cinnamon trees : ASIAN
43. Family name of classic TV : RICARDO
45. Dupe : REPRO
46. Bar fixture : SOT
48. Slower than vivace : ALLEGRO
50. Caesar born in 1922 : SID
51. Resident of a halfway house : EX-CON
53. “Star Wars” figures : DROIDS
55. Ones with big shoes to fill : CLOWNS
57. Measure of people skills : SOCIAL IQ
61. Straightened (up) : TIDIED
62. Napoleon, for one : DESSERT
63. Exceeds the limit : SPEEDS
64. Outback offerings : STEAKS
1. Nonsense song syllable : SHA-2. GPS fig. : LAT
3. Word with baron or basin : OIL …
4. Neutral hue : GRAY
5. Renounce : ABNEGATE
6. “Au contraire!” : NOT SO!
7. Comic book sound effect : BAM!
8. Gamer’s likeness : AVATAR
9. Uptick : RISE
10. Things used on bridges to ease congestion : NASAL STRIPS
11. In ___ (gestating) : UTERO
12. Difficult to sort out : MESSY
14. 1992 comedy based on a long-running “S.N.L.” sketch : WAYNE’S WORLD
17. “Hi-diddly-ho!” speaker on TV : NED FLANDERS
20. “No issues yet” : SO FAR, SO GOOD
22. Play groups : CASTS
23. Two cents’ worth : INPUT
24. JFK, for one : AIRPORT CODE
26. Place for a stud : LOBE
29. Hedren of Hitchcock’s “The Birds” : TIPPI
31. Ride : TEASE
35. Creator of the game Centipede : ATARI
36. Church conclave : SYNOD
38. Veritable : REAL
39. Writer of satirical works : PARODIST
44. Let go : CANNED
46. Certain branches : SECTS
47. Wildflower of the primrose family : OXLIP
49. Reduces to small bits : RICES
52. Scrape, to a tot : OWIE
54. Ed.’s convenience : SASE
56. Campus activist org. revived in 2006 : SDS
58. Verdant setting : LEA
59. Nettle : IRK
60. Parts of pecks: Abbr. : QTS
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