New York Times, Sunday, December 23, 2018

1. English guy : CHAP
5. Partner in indecision with 5-Down : HEM
8. Alternative to pavement : GRAVEL
14. What leads many people to say "Let's face it"? : MECCA
19. Spanish greeting : HOLA
20. G.I.'s address : APO
21. California's motto : EUREKA
22. Like a truck descending a steep hill : INLOW
23. Sources of Manchego cheese : EWES
24. How polka bands get their start? : WITHONEACCORDION
27. Org. with an annual Help a Horse Day : ASPCA
29. Big suit : CEO
30. Harvard University Press's ___ Classical Library : LOEB
31. Hundredths: Abbr. : PCTS
32. Pontiff's gold treasure? : PAPALBULLION
37. Performed creditably : DIDOK
39. Word with store or sign : DOLLAR
40. Value : ESTEEM
43. Like powwows : TRIBAL
46. Register things : SALES
48. Star bursts : NOVAE
49. Summer hat : PANAMA
50. Enthrones : CROWNS
53. Query about the Freedom Caucus or Berniecrats? : ISTHATAFACTION
56. Noted beauty contest loser : HERA
57. Most remote of the Near Islands : ATTU
59. Irish port, county or bay : SLIGO
60. "Shame!" : TSK
61. Sushi eel : UNAGI
63. Improvised : RIFFED
67. Some refuges : DENS
69. Figure in Jewish folklore : GOLEM
70. Like some factories ... or, in a different sense, like 90-, 109- and 119-Across (but not 24-, 32- and 53-Across)? : UNIONIZED
73. Potentially unhelpful answer to "Who's there?" : ITSME
77. Speed : RACE
79. The 21st Amendment, e.g. : REPEAL
80. Biblical spy : CALEB
81. Wonder : AWE
84. Dutch cheese : GOUDA
87. Pas sans : AVEC
89. Awestruck : GAGA
90. Nickname for a hard-to-please girl? : MISSIMPOSSIBLE
95. Room to maneuver : LEEWAY
97. Certifiable, so to speak : INSANE
98. Bygone office position : STENO
99. Unctuousness : SMARM
101. White part of pearly whites : ENAMEL
102. Offshore sight, maybe : OILRIG
104. Vexes : ANNOYS
107. Arabic name that sounds like a polite affirmative : YASIR
109. Data maintained by competitive dentists? : FILLINGSTATS
112. Envelope abbr. : ATTN
114. That's right! : EAST
117. Italian article : UNA
118. Intentionally lost : THREW
119. Speakers' searches for just the right words? : RHETORICALQUESTS
125. Halliburton of the Halliburton Company : ERLE
126. Buckwheat cereal : KASHA
127. Restroom sign : LADIES
128. Antidiscriminatory abbr. : EEO
129. Iago or Othello : ROLE
130. It notably has two bridges : SITAR
131. Bleachers : STANDS
132. "x" in 5x = x2 ÷ 2 : TEN
133. Tit for tat? : SWAP
1. Shoddy : CHEAP
2. "Alas!" : HOWSAD
3. War-torn Syrian city : ALEPPO
4. Philosophical argument for belief in God : PASCALSWAGER
5. Partner in indecision with 5-Across : HAW
6. Connoisseur of food and drink : EPICURE
7. One might be found near a cloverleaf : MOTEL
8. Modern prefix with tag : GEO
9. Series : RUN
10. Word with you but not me : ARE
11. Main ingredient in Wiener schnitzel : VEAL
12. Kitchenware brand : EKCO
13. Like corsets : LACED
14. Russian "peace" : MIR
15. Terminus : ENDPOINT
16. Online enticement : CLICKBAIT
17. Codger : COOT
18. Botanical bristles : AWNS
25. Evidence left by a moth : HOLE
26. Dead reckoning? : OBITPAGE
28. ___ Alcorn, creator of Pong : ALLAN
33. Wood for a raft : BALSA
34. "And who ___?" : ISNT
35. Texter's transition : OTOH
36. St. Petersburg's river : NEVA
38. Unduly harsh : DRACONIC
41. Has a 42-Down : EATS
42. See 41-Down : MEAL
44. ___ Lee, singer with the 2011 #1 album "Mission Bell" : AMOS
45. All limbs : LANK
47. Audit a class, say : SITIN
50. Move slowly (along) : CHUG
51. City near the Sierras : RENO
52. What comes before "B"? : ORAL
54. Islamic mystic : SUFI
55. Tinker (with) : FIDDLE
58. Align : TRUEUP
62. Doesn't really see : IMAGINES
64. Gift tag word : FOR
65. Lansing-to-Flint dir. : ENE
66. Brief swim : DIP
68. Protective sorts in showbiz : STAGEMOTHERS
71. Fervor : ZEAL
72. Some runoff sites : EAVES
74. BBQ side : SLAW
75. What can go before watt : MEGA
76. Rare success story from the dot-com bubble : EBAY
78. More pulchritudinous : COMELIER
81. Beau's girl : AMIE
82. ___-Dixie (grocery chain) : WINN
83. It's not as simple as a), b), c) : ESSAYTEST
85. "Go ahead!" : DOSO
86. Italian wine city : ASTI
88. Trolley sound : CLANG
91. Bee, e.g. : SAMANTHA
92. Introvert's focus : SELF
93. Cross inscription : INRI
94. Seethe : BOIL
96. Max at the MoMA : ERNST
100. Sea cow : MANATEE
103. Need for a model : GLUE
105. Flowering herb also known as devil's nettle : YARROW
106. Woman's name that means "star" : STELLA
108. Banisters : RAILS
110. Not loose, as a diamond : INSET
111. 4-0 series, say : SWEEP
112. Some refuges : ARKS
113. Like panang curry : THAI
115. "Git!" : SCAT
116. "I did it!" : TADA
120. It fits in a lock : OAR
121. Architect Maya : LIN
122. Mathematician's 116-Down : QED
123. Inits. before many state names : USS
124. Jesus Christ, with "the" : SON
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