1. Speaker's spot : DAIS
5. "Guess so" : ISPOSE
11. Film buff's channel, in brief : TMC
14. Novelist Ferber : EDNA
15. Have relevance to : BEARON
16. "Woo-hoo!" : YAY
17. First female recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement award in film : JUDYGARLAND
19. Plastic pipe material, for short : PVC
20. Lobster ___ Newburg : ALA
21. Rural's opposite : URBAN
22. Spa treatment : PEEL
23. Become less dense, with "out" : THIN
25. Major crop of Brazil : SUGARCANE
28. "Hmm ... I see now" : AHOK
29. Another name for Cupid : EROS
30. Debauched sorts : ROUES
32. Lyricist Cahn who wrote "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" : SAMMY
34. Wonderment : AWE
37. California baseball pro : LOSANGELESANGEL
40. Some words from Wordsworth : ODE
41. Like some cereals : OATEN
42. Prerequisites for some college students : LOANS
43. Funny Bombeck : ERMA
44. Noted Art Deco artist : ERTE
45. Washington, Jackson or Ford : MOVIESTAR
50. Range for yodelers : ALPS
51. Hebrew letter whose name is also a body part : SHIN
52. Doctor Doom, to the Fantastic Four : ENEMY
54. Bagel go-with : LOX
56. Big Apple N.F.L. team, on scoreboards : NYG
57. Seasonal song with a hint to the last words in 17-, 25-, 37- and 45-Across : OTANNENBAUM
60. Ghost's cry : BOO
61. Retort to "No, you're not!" : YESIAM
62. Lead-in to girl or boy : ATTA
63. Junkyard dog : CUR
64. Anastasia ___, woman in "Fifty Shades of Grey" : STEELE
65. Sneaky laughs : HEHS
1. ___ vu : DEJA
2. A step above the minors? : ADULTHOOD
3. Here, as derived from hip-hop slang : INDAHOUSE
4. Two cents' worth : SAY
5. Construction girder : IBAR
6. People between Hungarians and Bulgarians : SERBS
7. Pacific island nation : PALAU
8. Supporters of England's King William III : ORANGEMEN
9. Jesus, to Mary : SON
10. Put the kibosh on : END
11. Like workaholics : TYPEA
12. Expert : MAVEN
13. Go biking : CYCLE
18. Rev, as an engine : GUN
22. Apples they're not : PCS
24. Home furnishings giant : IKEA
26. Navy and Air Force vis-à-vis the military : ARMS
27. "Once in ___ David's City" (carol) : ROYAL
28. "___ and Janis" (comic strip) : ARLO
31. Saw logs : SNORE
32. Reassure : SETATEASE
33. Cakes and ___ : ALE
34. Lab culture site : AGARPLATE
35. Deteriorated ... or started out like Santa on December 24? : WENTSOUTH
36. Word after who, what, when, where or why : ELSE
38. Groups of whales : GAMS
39. Seasonal song : NOEL
43. German article : EIN
45. Rachel Maddow's network : MSNBC
46. "Stop being so silly!" : OHYOU
47. Pep : VIGOR
48. Hit musical with the song "Tomorrow" : ANNIE
49. Kidney-related : RENAL
50. Author Rand : AYN
53. Something that goes viral : MEME
55. December 25, informally : XMAS
57. Yiddish laments : OYS
58. Vietnamese festival : TET
59. Cry from Scrooge : BAH
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