December 30 2018 New York Times - Dec 30 2018 Crossword Clues and Answers

1. Fixture on a ski lodge deck : HOTTUB
7. Sound quality : TIMBRE
13. West African capital : BISSAU
19. Like counting your chickens before they've hatched : UNWISE
20. Going great guns, as business : ROARING
22. Come to terms with : ACCEPT
23. "Good golly!," across the pond : BLIMEY
24. Close enough : INRANGE
25. Cloaklike garment : SERAPE
26. Nosh : BITE
27. Goes around : ORBITS
29. Hardly a right-minded individual? : LIBERAL
31. N.C.A.A. rival of Duke : UNC
32. To which one might respond "Salud!" : SNEEZE
33. Superlative suffix : IEST
34. Summer setting in Seattle: Abbr. : PDT
36. Reason for an R rating? : BEHINDSCENES
39. McGregor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi : EWAN
42. Gobble : EAT
44. Quaint photos : SEPIAS
45. Cuban or Zuckerberg? : WELLOFFMARK
48. Archie's pal at Riverdale : JUGHEAD
51. Dry as a bone : SERE
52. Largest species of the genus Leopardus : OCELOT
53. Fighting : ATIT
54. Sprang : LEAPT
57. More ready to go : EAGERER
60. Show stopper? : FINALE
62. Pure and simple : MERE
64. Part of the eye where vision is sharpest : FOVEA
65. Old hand : VET
68. Maker of the MDX luxury S.U.V. : ACURA
69. Needing certain ink for a color printer? : OUTOFBLUE
71. Epitome of laziness : SLOTH
73. Freestyle, e.g. : RAP
74. Harbor city of NW France : BREST
76. Went to court, say : SUED
77. It may be right under your nose, informally : STACHE
78. Fixture behind the bar : BEERTAP
80. IHOP order : STACK
82. Billy of infomercial fame : MAYS
83. Only European capital on both a river and an ocean : LISBON
86. Kind of vision : XRAY
88. Fit for the job : HIRABLE
90. Impetus behind a paternity test? : POPQUESTION
93. Not so far : NEARER
95. "Straight Outta Compton" group : NWA
96. "The path to the dark side," per Yoda : FEAR
97. On a Paleo diet, say? : AGAINSTGRAIN
102. Slow boat : ARK
104. ___ Studies (college major) : FILM
106. Big Starbucks orders : VENTIS
107. Year the Office of Homeland Security was created : MMI
108. Some paints : ENAMELS
111. Rumbles : MELEES
112. "The world's greatest ...," e.g. : HYPE
113. Opposite : ACROSS
115. Capital of Thessaly : LARISSA
117. Washington air hub : SEATAC
119. Post-workout activity : SHOWER
120. Unusually short : STUNTED
121. Start to take off, in a way : UNLACE
122. Shanghai : KIDNAP
123. Accents and Sonatas : SEDANS
124. 100-meter and 200-meter : EVENTS
1. Commotion : HUBBUB
2. Connected : ONLINE
3. Reaction to a really bad pun : TWITCH
4. Something you might need to kill : TIME
5. Treat like an object : USE
6. Really, really needing some sun? : BEYONDPALE
7. Neighborhood north of the World Trade Center : TRIBECA
8. Charges : IONIZES
9. Weasel's relative : MARTEN
10. Beach tops : BRAS
11. ___ Tin Tin : RIN
12. 2003 Economics Nobelist Robert : ENGLE
13. One's most ardent supporters : BASE
14. Finisher of cakes : ICER
15. 86 : SCRAP
16. Buy one circus animal, get one circus animal free? : SEALDEAL
17. Most newspapers have one : APP
18. Sport-___ : UTE
21. Theodor ___ (Dr. Seuss's real name) : GEISEL
28. Live : RESIDE
30. Stealth bomber, familiarly : BTWO
32. Partner of snick : SNEE
33. French Alpine river : ISERE
35. Root of Polynesia : TARO
37. Mesopotamian mother goddess : ISHTAR
38. Female in a pen : EWE
40. In front of, old-style : AFORE
41. Cowboys' home, for short : NFCEAST
43. It's more than a warning: Abbr. : TKT
46. Street handout, maybe : LEAFLET
47. View from la plage : MER
48. "Aladdin" villain : JAFAR
49. City between Albany and Rochester : UTICA
50. Stimulate : GINUP
51. 2017 World Series winner, for short : STRO
55. Something required : AMUST
56. Dog or cat transporter : PETTAXI
58. Often-smoked cheese : GOUDA
59. First lady : EVE
61. Shia of "Transformers" : LABEOUF
63. Beginnings of fame and fortune? : EFS
65. Some SAT study : VOCAB
66. Kind of alcohol : ETHYL
67. "___ Days" (1990s platinum Bon Jovi album) : THESE
69. Anthem contraction : OER
70. On another call : BUSY
72. Hedy ___, subject of the 2017 documentary "Bombshell" : LAMARR
75. Woman's name meaning "born again" : RENEE
77. Installment of a women's clothing catalog? : SKIRTISSUE
78. Common potato chip flavor, in brief : BBQ
79. Hybrid tourney style : PROAM
81. Pure : CHASTE
83. Worker at a hosp. : LPN
84. Waterloo's home : IOWA
85. Something up for grabs on a fishing boat? : SPAREROD
87. Director Lee : ANG
89. Rules, informally : REGS
91. Untagged : SAFE
92. Quavering sounds : TRILLS
93. Rating somebody? : NIELSEN
94. The Supreme Court and the Muses : ENNEADS
98. Zoroastrianism's sacred text : AVESTA
99. Author of "The Joy Luck Club" : AMYTAN
100. Collision : IMPACT
101. Barbara and Jenna Bush, to Jeb : NIECES
103. Famous : KNOWN
105. Exams for future J.D.s : LSATS
109. Traveling from coast to coast, maybe : ASEA
110. Car sticker fig. : MSRP
111. "Do you ___?" : MIND
112. Robust : HALE
113. Part of A.M.A. : ASK
114. X : CHI
116. Medicinal plant : RUE
118. Part of S.A.S.E.: Abbr. : ENV
