December 4 2018 New York Times - Clues and Answers

New York Times - Dec 4 2018


Complete List of Clues/Answers


1. Commonly sprained joint : ANKLE
6. Smurf with a white beard : PAPA
10. Sounds when settling into a hot bath : AAHS
14. Good name for a dyslexic neurosurgeon? : BRIAN
15. Each : A POP
16. Four Corners state : UTAH
17. Clothing store event to get rid of excess merchandise : SAMPLE SALE
19. Sitarist Shankar : RAVI
20. French writer who refused the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature : SARTRE
21. Evita of “Evita” : PERON
22. Government agency charged with protecting the first family : SECRET SERVICE
24. Tolerate : ABIDE
26. Prefix with -phyte : NEO-
27. Participate in a prizefight : BOX
28. Nursery rhyme character who met a pieman : SIMPLE SIMON
36. Old Russian autocrat : CZAR
38. Prank : CAPER
39. Steakhouse specification : RARE
40. In the near future : SOMEDAY SOON
43. Word before sells or cells : SEX …
44. Exclamation on “The Simpsons” : D’OH!
45. Admission of defeat : I LOST
47. Brooke Shields sitcom set at a trendy magazine : SUDDENLY SUSAN
54. “Hurray!” or “Olé!” : CHEER
55. Really small, informally : TEENSY
56. Destruction : RUIN
57. Nightclub singer who was given the nickname “Buddha” by Frank Sinatra : SYLVIA SYMS
61. Strong desire : URGE
62. ___ Stanley Gardner of detective fiction : ERLE
63. Christmas carols : NOELS
64. Hot Chocolate or Vanilla Fudge : BAND
65. Professional org. : ASSN
66. Plumber’s device : SNAKE


1. “Washboard” muscles : ABS
2. Org. opposed by Everytown for Gun Safety : NRA
3. North Korean leader : KIM
4. Expired, as a membership : LAPSED
5. Intertwines : ENLACES
6. Cut’s partner in word processing : PASTE
7. Separately : APART
8. Firehouse fixtures : POLES
9. Orangutan, for one : APE
10. Bye at the French Open? : AU REVOIR
11. Company that created Pong : ATARI
12. Destruction : HAVOC
13. Bootblack’s job : SHINE
18. Drop the ball : ERR
21. Air Force One passenger: Abbr. : PRES
22. Schoolteacher’s wake-up time, perhaps : SIX AM
23. First month of el año : ENERO
24. Basic facts : ABCS
25. Nincompoop : BOZO
29. Billionaire Carl : ICAHN
30. Last full month of spring : MAY
31. Second addendum to a letter, for short : PPS
32. Summer zodiac sign : LEO
33. One who works with bricks : MASON
34. Bonanza discoveries : ORES
35. Barbershop call : NEXT!
37. Blushed or flushed : REDDENED
41. Active person : DOER
42. Popular Japanese cars : NISSANS
46. Applies, as a thick coat of paint : LAYS ON
47. Second-stringer : SCRUB
48. Communications officer on the Enterprise : UHURA
49. Condescend (to) : DEIGN
50. Distance units in astron. : LT YRS
51. Shouts : YELLS
52. Commonest craps roll : SEVEN
53. Prefix with cellular : UNI-
57. Where the buoys are : SEA
58. Affirmative vote : YEA
59. Jan. honoree : MLK
60. NNW’s opposite : SSE

