December 7 2018 New York Times - Crossword Clues and Answers

Complete List of Clues/Answers



1. “Are we clear?” : DO YOU HEAR ME?
12. E.R. figures : DRS
15. Eager to a fault : OVERZEALOUS
16. Sound of alarm : EEK!
17. Joseph, to the Catholic Church : PATRON SAINT
18. “Transformers” technology, for short : CGI
19. Roth of cinematic gore : ELI
20. Father of the Amazons, in myth : ARES
21. Total taken in? : CEREAL
23. Peaceful scene : IDYL
24. Mindless followers, in slang : SHEEPLE
25. Event for an enumerator : CENSUS
28. Hand-held game devices : WIIMOTES
29. Trinity test subject, informally : A-BOMB
30. Lessen : BATE
31. Family of computer games : SIMS
32. Quipster’s delivery : MOT
33. [Mwah!] : AIR KISS
36. Major suit : CEO
37. They, in Portugal : ELAS
39. Tax ___ : LIEN
40. N.C.A.A. hoops powerhouse : UCONN
42. Running numbers? : RACE BIBS
44. Lowly workers : GRUNTS
45. Southern corn bread : ASHCAKE
46. Like Easter eggs : DYED
47. Castigate : SCATHE
48. Partner for life : LIMB
49. Religious trip : HAJ
52. Solo flying? : HAN
53. Military assistants : AIDES-DE-CAMP
56. Dungeons & Dragons baddie : ORC
57. Help for ordering some affordable furnishings : IKEA CATALOG
58. With 54-Down, river of the Carolinas : PEE …
59. Base of some aquaculture farms : SEED OYSTERS


1. Really cool : DOPE
2. You might make one in your lap : OVAL
3. Fabulous creature : YETI
4. “Catch-22” pilot : ORR
5. Emmy-winning “Orange Is the New Black” actress : UZO ADUBA
6. Eight English kings : HENRYS
7. Prop at a sales meeting : EASEL
8. “Ah well, we tried” : ALAS
9. Père d’une princesse : ROI
10. Urge to raid the fridge, with “the” : MUNCHIES
11. Think a lot of : ESTEEM
12. “Transformers” antagonist : DECEPTICON
13. Wining and dining : REGALEMENT
14. Higher education? : SKI LESSONS
22. Some antique buses : REOS
23. Real close? : -ISM
24. Protest action : SIT-IN
25. Seller of lenses : CAMERA SHOP
26. Viral fear of the 2010s : EBOLA SCARE
27. “Dream on!” : NOT A CHANCE!
28. Paths left by storms : WAKES
30. Grease : BRIBE
34. Catchy 1952 slogan : I LIKE IKE
35. They never fail : SURE BETS
38. Mennonites, e.g. : SECT
41. Chew on this : CUD
43. Believers in world spiritual unity : BAHA’IS
44. Time to work out : GYM DAY
46. Ball club? : DISCO
48. Clue for a detective : LEAD
49. Robust : HALE
50. Mythical shooter : AMOR
51. Some PC image files : JPGS
54. See 58-Across : … DEE
55. Hipster : CAT
