1. Afraid of getting shot : CAMERASHY
10. Send a bunch of messages to, say : SPAM
14. Sob stories : TALESOFWOE
15. Keep in check : CURB
16. Slanted writing : OPEDCOLUMN
17. Creature with a 17-month gestation period : ORCA
18. Eject : TOSS
19. "The way I see it ..." : TOME
20. Many P.S.A.T. takers, for short : SOPHS
21. That's a wrap! : BOA
22. Drew attention to : SPOTLIT
24. Aloof : DISTANT
28. Something shared by churchgoers : PEW
29. Layer of dark green eggs : EMU
30. It gets typed : INPUT
31. Rapidly cooled, as metal : QUENCHED
33. One quick to pass judgment : SNOB
34. Music style associated with George Clinton, informally : PFUNK
36. Put on : LADE
37. "There is no literature and art without ___": Thomas Pynchon : PARANOIA
39. Dirty or daily follower : DOZEN
40. Checker of vitals, for short : EMT
41. ___ Lady (Virgin Mary's title) : OUR
42. 23andMe service : DNATEST
44. Breather : RESPITE
46. Like Chianti : RED
47. Clearheaded : SOBER
48. Works toward one's passion? : ODES
50. Effuse : GUSH
54. About : INRE
55. Character in "All's Well That Ends Well" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" : APOSTROPHE
57. Viking king of note : OLAV
58. NASA's InSight probe, for one : MARSLANDER
59. Org. that rings a bell : NYSE
60. Acted omnipotent : PLAYEDGOD
1. Crime boss : CAPO
2. Public house options : ALES
3. Contents of some childproof containers, for short : MEDS
4. "Exit full screen" button : ESC
5. Cheer for : ROOTON
6. Financially O.K. : AFLOAT
7. Like some Olympic races : SWUM
8. Folksy : HOMESPUN
9. Kyoto cash : YEN
10. Skedaddle : SCOOT
11. #2 on Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time" : PURPLEHAZE
12. Pioneer in hydrostatics : ARCHIMEDES
13. Many an aspiring exec, academically : MBASTUDENT
14. Young 'un : TOT
20. Planted : SOWN
21. Card holding? : BAT
23. Something you shouldn't do around Christmas : PEEK
24. Scattering of things : DISPERSION
25. Theoretically, but not actually : INNAMEONLY
26. Supports for some athletes : SPORTSBRAS
27. Big brass : TUBA
31. Acting as : QUA
32. Curdle : CLOT
34. Something you shouldn't do around Christmas : POUT
35. Brilliantly colored gemstone : FIREOPAL
38. Film ___ : NOIR
39. Stereotypical teller of a groan-worthy joke : DAD
42. Black-tie : DRESSY
43. Company that makes Coffee-mate : NESTLE
45. Cause of irritation : PEEVE
49. Cartoon pal of the monkey Boots : DORA
50. Bit of percussion : GONG
51. Prom coif : UPDO
52. Take off : SHED
53. "I'm with ___" : HER
55. Product from Fender : AMP
56. "Sick, dude!" : RAD
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