1. "Aladdin" prince : ALI
4. Sandal feature : TSTRAP
10. Flat-bottomed boat : SCOW
14. Scoundrel : CAD
15. Beekeeper's locale : APIARY
16. Sharpen, as one's skills : HONE
17. N.Y. engineering sch. : RPI
18. *They get stuffed at Greek restaurants : GRAPELEAVES
20. Enemies from way back : OLDFOES
22. Consider carefully : PONDER
23. *With 50-Across, classic ice cream treats : BANANA
24. Judge's seat : BANC
25. Louis, par exemple : ROI
27. Something divided in W.W. II : ATOM
28. Stand for a speaker : DAIS
30. *With 44-Across, sour candies : LEMON
32. Body image, briefly : TAT
33. Ages and ages : EONS
34. Tribal emblems : TOTEMS
35. Unproductive ... or, literally, a hint to the answers to this puzzle's starred clues : FRUITLESS
37. Not yet bankrupt : AFLOAT
40. Goal for an actor : ROLE
41. Maidenform garment : BRA
44. *See 30-Across : DROPS
45. Noted 1970s-'80s Gang leader? : KOOL
46. Revolutions can divide them : ERAS
47. Dallas hoopster, for short : MAV
48. Wedding gown designer Di Santo : INES
50. *See 23-Across : SPLITS
52. ___ Beanies (bygone toys) : TEENIE
54. Super conductor? : MAESTRO
55. *Garnishes for old-fashioneds : ORANGEPEELS
57. Subway unit : CAR
58. Cargo's place : HOLD
59. Keep tabs on tabbies, say : CATSIT
60. Breast Cancer Awareness mo. : OCT
61. Murder : crows :: parliament : ___ : OWLS
62. Carves : ETCHES
63. French possessive : MES
1. One going head over heels? : ACROBAT
2. Seaport near Buenos Aires : LAPLATA
3. Emphatic denial : IDIDNOT
4. Add, as an extra : TAGON
5. Dispersed : SPREADOUT
6. Madres' sisters : TIAS
7. Kendrick Lamar's genre : RAP
8. South American corn cakes : AREPAS
9. Air race marker : PYLON
10. Roe source : SHAD
11. Soldier's request before entering a firefight : COVERME
12. Like quaint schoolhouses : ONEROOM
13. Anderson who directed "Isle of Dogs" : WES
19. Wall off : ENCLOSE
21. Relatives, casually : FAM
24. Paris eateries : BISTROS
26. Connections : INS
29. Indie artist DiFranco : ANI
31. U.F.O. occupants : ETS
33. Blackboard chore : ERASING
34. Emulates Pinocchio : TELLSALIE
35. One dressed to impress : FOP
36. British bathroom : LOO
37. Naval bigwig: Abbr. : ADM
38. Home to many Greeks, informally : FRATROW
39. Score at the start of a set : LOVEALL
41. The original "The Office," e.g. : BRITCOM
42. Wearying routine : RATRACE
43. Puts in order : ASSORTS
45. Not give up on : KEEPAT
46. They loop the Loop : ELS
49. One crying "Uncle!," perhaps : NIECE
51. Raid targets : PESTS
53. Partner of odds : ENDS
54. Fit together well : MESH
55. "What have we here?!" : OHO
56. Abbr. sometimes written twice in a row : ETC
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