January 4 2018 New York Times - Jan 4 2018 Crossword Clues and Answers

1. Big affair : FETE
5. Disarray : MUSS
9. Certain Mideast native : SABRA
14. Range, e.g. : APPLIANCE
16. Panache : FLAIR
17. Painful spa treatment : BIKINIWAX
18. Literally, "dwarf dog" : CORGI
19. Skunk's defense : STENCH
21. Workplace inspection org. : OSHA
22. Avid fan of a Stephenie Meyer young adult series : TWIHARD
26. Company : OUTFIT
28. Last name in punk rock : RAMONE
29. Halley's comet, to William the Conqueror : OMEN
30. Usually partnered conjunction : NOR
32. Closing question : AREWEDONE
34. Your, of yore : THINE
36. B-school applicant's hurdle : GMAT
37. Shakes off : SHEDS
39. Wine center near Turin : ASTI
40. "Otherwise ..." : IFNOT
42. Line at a dance : MAYICUTIN
44. No-goodnik : CUR
45. ___ nitrate (diesel fuel additive) : AMYL
47. Rude reply : BITEME
48. Serengeti stampeders : ZEBRAS
50. Held high : REVERED
51. Powerful person : CZAR
52. Peter of "The Lion in Winter" : OTOOLE
54. Get ready for a Mr. Universe competition, say : OILUP
56. Promoting fair competition, in a way : ANTITRUST
61. Letter in the Greek or NATO alphabet : DELTA
62. One who illegally ignores orders : REFUSENIK
63. Hitherto : ASYET
64. Pizza joint in "Do the Right Thing" : SALS
65. Short and sweet sign-off : XOXO
1. Hunky-dory : FAB
2. Prefix with cycle : EPI
3. E-ZPass site: Abbr. : TPK
4. Noah Webster, collegiately : ELI
5. Busing supervisors : MAITREDS
6. Single : UNWED
7. Many a digitalization : SCAN
8. "American Pie," e.g. : SEXCOMEDY
9. U.S. Army E-7 : SFC
10. Hard to reach : ALOOF
11. Heraldic charge indicating supposed illegitimate birth : BARSINISTER
12. Promptly : RIGHTONTIME
13. It might have a cadenza : ARIA
15. Off the deep end : INSANE
20. Spectral quality : HUE
22. Like many Shakespeare plays : TRAGIC
23. "Feel good" sensations : WARMFUZZIES
24. "Are you kidding me?!" : IMEANREALLY
25. Manual : HOWTO
27. Shell filling : TNT
29. Onetime Los Angeles center : ONEAL
31. Pulled (in) : REINED
33. "Goodness gracious!" : OHMYSTARS
35. ___ couture : HAUTE
38. "Finlandia" composer : SIBELIUS
41. Gravel alternative : TAR
43. Small mammals that secrete a musk used in perfumes : CIVETS
46. Leader mentioned in the Beatles' "Revolution" : MAO
49. ___ force : BRUTE
50. Texter's "Too funny!" : ROTFL
51. Closing bars : CODA
53. Service designation : ONEA
55. Overly rehearsed : PAT
57. Andy's dinosaur in "Toy Story" : REX
58. Not quite nada : UNO
59. Evening hour : SIX
60. End of a match, for short : TKO
