1. Baker's dozen? : EGGS
5. Wild feline : BOBCAT
11. Path of the tip of a pendulum : ARC
14. Lacking vegetation : BARE
15. Marie ___ (women's magazine) : CLAIRE
16. "Gloria in excelsis ___" (carol chorus) : DEO
17. *Starting point, metaphorically : BLANKCANVAS
19. Equivalent of "Inc." in the U.K. : LTD
20. 7'6" N.B.A. star ___ Ming : YAO
21. Gossip : DIRT
22. Outrage : IRE
23. Michael of "Batman" and "Birdman" : KEATON
26. *Important part of a plane : BLACKBOX
28. Longtime weatherman of morning TV : ALROKER
30. Eastern "way" : TAO
31. Where a fishing boat ties up : PIER
32. Tidy : NEAT
35. Fathers, as foals : SIRES
39. Stars-and-stripes land : USA
40. *A swimsuit might leave one : TANLINE
42. Electronica producer Brian : ENO
43. Sample : TASTE
45. Cry made while taking a bow : TADA
46. Dame ___ Everage : EDNA
47. Good rating for a bond : AAA
49. Ties, as a score : EVENSUP
51. *Powerful object in "The Hobbit" : GOLDRING
56. Baghdad residents : IRAQIS
57. King Kong, for one : APE
58. Old Palm smartphone : TREO
59. Critical hosp. wing : ICU
60. Low-I.Q. : DIM
61. What may be created using the answers to the six starred clues? : ABSTRACTART
66. Musical Yoko : ONO
67. Played on the green : PUTTED
68. Mythological figure who takes a bow : EROS
69. Noted number on Downing Street : TEN
70. Parts of college applications : ESSAYS
71. Like the part of a pool with a diving board : DEEP
1. Recede gradually : EBB
2. With 51-Down, star of "Wonder Woman" : GAL
3. *Ill-defined situations : GRAYAREAS
4. Long-term legislator : SENATOR
5. Abbr. in an email field : BCC
6. Portuguese greeting : OLA
7. Cozy accommodations for a traveler, informally : BANDB
8. Counterpart of criminal : CIVIL
9. Where Noah's Ark landed : ARARAT
10. Precedent setter in court : TESTCASE
11. Off-script remark : ADLIB
12. Nostalgia-evoking, as fashion : RETRO
13. Ancient handwritten volume : CODEX
18. Loony : KOOK
23. Done for : KAPUT
24. Form of Elizabeth : ELISA
25. "99 Luftballons" singer : NENA
27. Pond carp : KOI
29. Landlord's income : RENT
33. Doug Jones's home: Abbr. : ALA
34. Best-selling detergent brand : TIDE
36. *Moscow landmark : REDSQUARE
37. Ho-hum feeling : ENNUI
38. Detergents, e.g. : SOAPS
40. Opening strip on a package : TEARTAPE
41. Blue race in "Avatar" : NAVI
44. Small bit : TAD
46. Passed, as laws : ENACTED
48. Boeing rival : AIRBUS
50. Rock's Burdon or Clapton : ERIC
51. See 2-Down : GADOT
52. Offer a thought : OPINE
53. Clunker of a car : LEMON
54. Digs made of twigs : NESTS
55. "___ go!" : GOTTA
62. Heroine of "The Force Awakens" : REY
63. YouTube revenue source : ADS
64. Fish spawn : ROE
65. Seasoning amt. : TSP
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