1. Become narrower : TAPER
6. "Come to ___" : PAPA
10. Kindergarten fundamentals : ABCS
14. "Well, isn't that something!" : ILLBE
15. Genesis garden : EDEN
16. Opening for a coin : SLOT
17. Facial feature that can be eliminated by cosmetic surgery : DOUBLECHIN
19. Trigonometric ratio : SINE
20. "For sure!" : YES
21. "___ put it another way ..." : ORTO
22. Rather, informally : KINDA
23. Disney World attraction : MAGICKINGDOM
26. Walk over : TREADON
29. Continuously : NOEND
30. Easy win : ROMP
31. ___ good example : SETA
32. Weaponize : ARM
35. Increase, with "up" : AMP
36. Friend of Archie and Betty in the comics : JUGHEAD
39. "Little piggy" : TOE
40. Chum : PAL
41. Fashion monthly founded in France : ELLE
42. Congers and others : EELS
43. "___ ed Euridice" (Gluck opera) : ORFEO
45. The 20 in 20 Questions : GUESSES
48. Speak briefly : SAYAFEWWORDS
51. Where the belly button is : TUMMY
52. German auto import : AUDI
53. Try to win through romance : WOO
56. Metropolitan ___ : AREA
57. "Gross" title for this puzzle : DISGUSTING
60. Hit the tarmac, e.g. : LAND
61. Skin problem : ACNE
62. Titleholder : OWNER
63. This, in Tijuana : ESTA
64. Wagers : BETS
65. Hangman's loop : NOOSE
1. Having everything in its place : TIDY
2. Natural salve : ALOE
3. Asset : PLUS
4. Flow out, as the tide : EBB
5. Insert a new cartridge : RELOAD
6. Marmalade ingredient : PECTIN
7. For one purpose only : ADHOC
8. Architect I. M. ___ : PEI
9. Actress Miller or Blyth : ANN
10. Transfer (to) : ASSIGN
11. Romantic setups : BLINDDATES
12. Weeklong vacation rental, maybe : CONDO
13. Prepare, as mussels : STEAM
18. Therefore : ERGO
22. Work, as dough : KNEAD
23. It helps to know where you're going : MAP
24. Joint between the hip and ankle : KNEE
25. Letter after theta : IOTA
26. Snare : TRAP
27. Capital of Italia : ROMA
28. Professional work : EMPLOYMENT
31. "Steady as ___ goes" : SHE
33. Part in a movie : ROLE
34. Filthy state : MESS
36. "The Family Circus" boy : JEFFY
37. Peter Fonda title character : ULEE
38. Give off light, as a firefly : GLOW
42. Suffix with lion or shepherd : ESS
44. Marriott rival : RAMADA
45. Seriously overcharges : GOUGES
46. Pakistani language : URDU
47. Incandescent lamp inventor : EDISON
48. Old, as bread : STALE
49. Surrounding lights : AURAS
50. "There ___ a dry eye in the house" : WASNT
53. Tippler's favorite radio station? : WINO
54. Bills exchanged for a five : ONES
55. Menacing fairy tale figure : OGRE
57. Tiny amount to apply : DAB
58. Rink surface : ICE
59. A couple : TWO
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