New York Times, Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Crossword Puzzle Solution

1. Object of puppy love : CRUSH
6. Acid's opposite : BASE
10. Eponymous scale inventor : MOHS
14. Skating gold medalist Sonja : HENIE
15. Big farm workers : OXEN
16. Country whose name can also be a full sentence : IRAN
17. Welcome comment at a bar #1 : ITSMYTREAT
19. Lead-in to bank : CITI
20. "Ooh, ooh, let me look!" : CANISEE
21. Cornered, as during a fox hunt : TREED
22. Milky birthstone : OPAL
23. Welcome comment at a bar #2 : DRINKSONME
27. Actor George of TV's "The Goldbergs" : SEGAL
29. Underhanded sort : SNEAK
30. Some univ. instructors : TAS
31. Friend of Harry in the Harry Potter books : RON
33. The Cardinals, on scoreboards : STL
34. "Hang on!" : WAIT
35. Welcome comment at a bar #3 : ILLGETTHEBILL
39. "This is not ___" (warning to kids) : ATOY
40. Cleverly and ironically humorous : WRY
41. Tina Fey's "30 Rock" role : LIZ
42. ___-1701 (U.S.S. Enterprise registry) : NCC
43. Often-forbidden things to worship : IDOLS
45. Caesar's first stabber : CASCA
49. With 57-Across, welcome comment at a bar #4 : YOURMONEYS
52. Sounds of support : RAHS
53. Cousins of mandolins : LUTES
54. Pestering people : NOODGES
56. Words before "smoke" or "the air" : UPIN
57. See 49-Across : NOGOODHERE
60. Dirt ball : CLOD
61. One coming to homecoming, maybe : GRAD
62. "The Burning Giraffe" and "The Persistence of Memory" : DALIS
63. Boy dolls : KENS
64. "Beg pardon!" : OOPS
65. They might make lids difficult to close : STYES
1. Women's clothing chain since 1983 : CHICOS
2. Do again, as a radio bit : RETAPE
3. Let off the hook? : UNSNAG
4. Likewise : SIMILARLY
5. Casual greetings : HEYS
6. Termites and drills : BORERS
7. Pink-slip : AXE
8. Maritime milieu : SEA
9. Tolkien tree being : ENT
10. Tiny opening? : MICRO
11. Avenue between Reading Railroad and Chance : ORIENTAL
12. Poison-pen letters : HATEMAIL
13. Most sarcastic : SNIDEST
18. ___ Talks : TED
21. "Shame!" : TSK
24. Fashionable : INSTYLE
25. Home of The Hague: Abbr. : NETH
26. Superman's birth name : KALEL
28. Wood in a fireplace : LOG
32. Change of locks? : NEWDO
34. Pointed headgear often pictured with stars and moons : WIZARDHAT
35. Tabloid twosome : ITCOUPLE
36. Manner of speaking : LOCUTION
37. 1982 film inspired by Pong : TRON
38. Big lighter brand : BIC
39. "Were you successful at all?" : ANYLUCK
43. Some digital chats, informally : IMS
44. Holy councils : SYNODS
46. How Solomon spoke : SAGELY
47. French sweetheart : CHERIE
48. Make a judgment of : ASSESS
50. Rips to pieces : RENDS
51. The Great Lakes' ___ Locks : SOO
55. 3:2 or 10:1, e.g. : ODDS
57. Independent charity, for short : NGO
58. Spanish gold : ORO
59. Clothing chain since 1969 : GAP
