New York Times, Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Puzzle Answer

1. Barred from competition, briefly : DQED
5. Prefix with economics : MACRO
10. Sportsbook offering : ODDS
14. Liqueur with a licoricelike flavor : OUZO
15. Psychologist Alfred : ADLER
16. Stumble around in a daze : REEL
17. Empty talk not backed by action : LIPSERVICE
19. Screenwriter James of "The African Queen" : AGEE
20. Santa ___, Calif. : ANA
21. Slender : SLIM
22. Play loudly, as music : BLARE
23. Like all natural numbers: Abbr. : POS
24. Boost after appearing on a certain old Comedy Central show : COLBERTBUMP
27. Malia Obama's sister : SASHA
29. Use an oar : ROW
30. Lion in the heavens : LEO
31. In effect : OPERANT
35. Arkin of "Catch-22" : ALAN
36. Product from RCA or LG : TELEVISIONSET
39. Something traced to draw a turkey : HAND
40. Get, as from a will : INHERIT
41. "___ the least I can do" : ITS
42. Groceries holder : BAG
43. Sedan alternative : COUPE
47. Symbol of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad : GOLDENSPIKE
52. Upper extreme, informally : MAX
53. Stockpile : HOARD
54. Work without ___ : ANET
55. Gift for which you might reply "Mahalo" : LEI
56. Happening now, as a telecast : LIVE
57. Sport hinted at by the ends of 17-, 24-, 36- and 47-Across : VOLLEYBALL
60. Universal donor type, for short : ONEG
61. Paragon : IDEAL
62. Christmastime : YULE
63. Exchanges "I do's" : WEDS
64. Sounds from a pet owner's lap : MEOWS
65. Column on a flight board, for short : ETAS
1. Practice swimming : DOLAPS
2. Trendy food from the Andes : QUINOA
3. Toll method on the New Jersey Turnpike : EZPASS
4. Uno + uno : DOS
5. Kingpin on "The Wire" : MARLO
6. Excedrin competitor : ADVIL
7. Do some mountaineering : CLIMB
8. DVR button : REC
9. Molybdenite, for molybdenum : ORE
10. Toothpaste brand : ORALB
11. Airport named for a president : DEGAULLE
12. Venison : DEERMEAT
13. Take some time to consider : SLEEPON
18. Break free : ESCAPE
22. Texter's segue : BTW
25. Orange Muppet : ERNIE
26. Whirler on a whirlybird : ROTOR
28. "Please ___" (secretary's words) : HOLD
32. Water with the Alps in its logo : EVIAN
33. Men's gymnastics event : RINGS
34. Bit of volcanic fallout : ASH
35. Apropos of : ASTO
36. Luke Skywalker's home planet : TATOOINE
37. Forced into bondage : ENSLAVED
38. Fine point : NICETY
39. Poker variant in which the worst set of cards splits the pot : HIGHLOW
42. The first "B" of B&B : BED
44. German mark : UMLAUT
45. Spanish rice dish : PAELLA
46. Banishees : EXILES
48. Bottom of the barrel : DREGS
49. Primitive kind of diet : PALEO
50. Holiday guest that a couple might fight over : INLAW
51. Starting points in shipbuilding : KEELS
57. Get-up-and-go : VIM
58. Payment of tribute? : ODE
59. "Ciao!" : BYE
