February 12 2019 New York Times - Feb 12 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 12 2019

Clues Answers
'I'd rather go naked than wear fur' grp PETA
'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood' airer PBS
'Whatever!' SEEIFICARE
'You ___?' (butler's response) RANG
A, to Beethoven EIN
Amount of cream cheese SCHMEAR
Attachment you might send to a tech person when you have a computer problem SCREENSHOT
Backside RUMP
Bailed-out insurance giant AIG
Ballet bend PLIE
Belgian river to the North Sea YSER
Birds on Canadian dollar coins LOONS
Blood feud VENDETTA
British throne? LOO
Calder Cup rink org AHL
Chops finely RICES
Coffee dispenser URN
Corporate $$$ overseer CFO
Daddy-o POPS
Defense in a snowball fight FORT
Diamonds, slangily ICE
Doofus BOZO
Dumpster output ODOR
Entire range GAMUT
Fab Four hairdos MOPS
Forest animal in the state nicknamed Old Dominion? VAMOOSE
Frequent Sicilian erupter ETNA
Gambler's action in the Cornhusker State? NEWAGER
Hail Mary, for one PASS
Hard ___ (toiling away) ATIT
Highway divider in the Centennial State? COMEDIAN
Hilarious type HOOT
How wallflowers act TIMIDLY
Inning : baseball :: ___ : curling END
Lo-cal LITE
Magician's name suffix INI
Clues Answers
Member of Islam's largest branch SUNNI
Mosquito from the state nicknamed Land of Opportunity? ARBITER
Moving around fast ZIPPY
Mr. Turkey TOM
Music copyright org ASCAP
Music genre for the Village People DISCO
Nash's 'two-l' beast LLAMA
National Hot Dog Month JULY
Navigate like a whale ECHOLOCATE
October birthstone OPAL
Old-fashioned 'Cool!' NEATO
Opposite of día NOCHE
Pack of butts CIGS
Palindromic bread NAAN
Pasta from the Golden State? CANOODLES
Popular fitness class YOGA
Psychedelic stuff from the Evergreen State? WASHROOMS
Put in proper piles SORT
Ready for battle ARMED
Reply to 'Who's there?' ITSME
Salon sound SNIP
Shrek and Fiona OGRES
Sign of hospitality WELCOMEMAT
Snow blower maker TORO
Some Form 1040 data, for short SSNS
Someone ___ (not mine or yours) ELSES
Something a tired gardener might lean on HOE
Spiced tea variety CHAI
Tennis serving whiz ACER
The 'S' of R.S.V.P SIL
Tiebreaker periods, for short OTS
Totally awesome EPIC
Tuscany tower site PISA
Underwear from the First State? DEBRIEFS
Whimper MEWL
Word next to an arrow on a maze START
___ stick POGO
___ vu DEJA
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