February 16 2019 New York Times - Feb 16 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 16 2019

Clues Answers
'State Fair' director Walter LANG
'The enemy of creativeness,' per Picasso TASTE
'Your' follower HONOR
81-card game SET
Alternative to a 9-to-5 work schedule FLEXTIME
Another moniker for the Empire City of the South HOTLANTA
Appear in print COMEOUT
Benjamin CNOTE
Bob's relative PIXIECUT
Buffet burner STERNO
Bullish figure? MINOTAUR
Comments section, often FORUM
Couple seen on Raisin Bran boxes SCOOPS
Cover letters for certain applications? SPF
Early counters ABACI
Être, across the Pyrenees SER
Fifth-century scourge ATTILA
Fooled HAD
Having an uninterrupted series of steps SCALAR
How many Oscar acceptance speeches are delivered INTEARS
Insurance mascot with an accent GECKO
It may be made into spears PICKLE
It points sharply down ICICLE
Italian hors d'oeuvre CARPACCIO
Job for an investment bank, for short IPO
Kitchen gadget brand OXO
Kite grippers TALONS
Like an amnesiac's memories ERASED
Like some kisses STOLEN
Like some kisses WET
Like the characters on 'Lost' MAROONED
Lose sleep (over) STEW
Medieval weapon POLEAXE
New Age composer BRIANENO
Clues Answers
New Age keyboardist YANNI
No small favor ALOTTOASK
Old-fashioned group of people THEAMISH
One use for hair clippers, in modern lingo MANSCAPING
One who might say 'You wish!' GENIE
Ovary's place, botanically PISTIL
Painted Desert sights MESAS
Part of a natural repair process SCAB
People on the case, for short TECS
Peso : Cuba :: ___ : Korea WON
Poorer WORSE
Poorly ILL
Potentially attracted to anyone PANSEXUAL
Predecessors of Transformers GOBOTS
Rebellious 'Downton Abbey' daughter SYBIL
Scratch CANCEL
Sierra Nevadas and others ALES
Some lunar effects HALOS
Some modern discounts GROUPONS
Some prep school wear ETONS
Subject of the 2004 autobiography 'The Soul of a Butterfly' ALI
Tailward AFT
The American Film Institute named its soundtrack the greatest film score of all time STARWARS
Third character to appear in 'Macbeth' CEE
U.S. poet laureate ___ Van Duyn MONA
Vamp's wear BOA
What Homer used to propose to Marge ONIONRING
Whipper snapper? DOMINATRIX
Wikipedia's globe and such LOGOS
Workup sites, briefly ERS
Yearbook sect SRS
You may train to get in it SHAPE
