February 17 2019 New York Times - Feb 17 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 17 2019 Puzzle Answer

Clues Answers
'Buzz off!' SHOO
'Carmen' and 'Elektra' OPERAS
'Holy cow!' YIPES
'It's a waste of time' NOUSE
'Jeez!' OHMAN
'Little ol' me?' MOI
'Phooey!' RATS
'Pipe down!' SHH
'That tastes bleah!' YECCH
'To repeat ...' AGAIN
'When it comes to ...' ASFOR
'Yeah, right!' IBET
1962 hit for the Ikettes IMB
1966 Donovan hit with a rhyming title MELLOWY
60 minuti ORA
A, B, C or D, in multiple choice: Abbr ANS
Abbr. on a label of brandy VSOP
Actor Diggs TAYE
Amherst campus, for short UMASS
Answer to 113-Across [Geography] BHENSTATE
Answer to 13-Down [History] YSEA
Answer to 22-Across [Science & Nature] EVERG
Answer to 39-Down [Sports & Leisure] OBOWL
Answer to 66-Across [Entertainment] PRETTYINP
Answer to 68-Across [Art & Literature] DANB
Asmara is its capital ERITREA
Be of ___ (aid) USETO
Blacken SEAR
Brightly lit ABLAZE
Bump on a slope MOGUL
Cacophonous NOISY
Calendar units: Abbr WKS
Capital that was home to the world's tallest building before the Burj Khalifa TAIPEI
Cartesian conclusion IAM
CBS debut of 2000 CSI
Certain body of believers CHRISTENDOM
Cinephile's channel TCM
Clammy MOIST
Class skippers TRUANTS
Clinton who once ran for president DEWITT
Cole Porter's 'Well, Did You ___?' EVAH
Comic actor known for his shock humor TOMG
Condition once called 'shell shock,' for short PTSD
Cookie containers JARS
Cost to get a hand ANTE
Court plea, in brief NOLO
Crankcase device OILPUMP
Director Anderson WES
Director Burton TIM
Farm females SOWS
Find a new tenant for RELET
Fine fabric LACE
First name on a famous plane ENOLA
Fixed SET
Foal's mother MARE
Follower of the Gospels ACTS
Freeman of 'Now You See Me' MORGAN
Gain entry to ACCESS
Gave reluctantly, with 'up' COUGHED
Get rid of DISPEL
Have a bawl SOB
High-grade cotton PIMA
Host for a destructive beetle ELM
Hot stuff WASABI
How chicken teriyaki is usually served ONRICE
Jungle tangle VINES
Key of Beethoven's 'Für Elise' AMINOR
Clues Answers
Kind of scholar RHODES
Knight's wear, in England ARMOUR
Length of a pool and back LAP
Lens covers CORNEAS
Like a moray EELY
Like Fenway among all major-league ballparks OLDEST
Lines on sheet music STAVES
Living, to Livy INESSE
Loaves from whole-grain flour BBREADS
Locale for Jacques Cousteau MER
Longtime Steelers coach Chuck NOLL
Meerkat in 'The Lion King' TIMON
Mimicking APING
Moving vehicle VAN
Multipurpose ALLINONE
Nahuatl speaker AZTEC
Natty neckwear ASCOTS
Newspaper units: Abbr COLS
Nose out EDGE
Not hush-hush OPEN
Not rumpled, as a bed MADE
Nutritional std RDA
Oregon city that was the first permanent U.S. settlement west of the Rockies ASTORIA
Original edition of this puzzle's theme GENUS
Part of a Latin 101 conjugation AMAT
Part of an itinerary VIA
Partner of tuck NIP
Pears and apples POMES
Polite CIVIL
Princess seduced by Zeus LEDA
Process METHOD
Put away, in a way EAT
Quimby of children's books RAMONA
Reeked STANK
Regard DEEM
Resilience SINEW
Ride provider UBER
Sacha Baron Cohen character BORAT
Scorer of 12 World Cup goals PELE
Select, as sides for a game CHOOSEUP
Simulated MOCK
Slice, for example SODA
Small digit PIE
Some I.R.S. data, for short SSNS
Some roadsters MIATAS
Song heard at the start of 'Saturday Night Fever' STAYINALIVE
Spanish ouzo flavoring ANIS
Suffix with elect IVE
Sweet and kind ANGELIC
Syracuse player, once OMAN
Tour de France stage ETAPE
Tres + cinco OCHO
TV Tarzan player RONELY
Unwelcome looks SNEERS
Veal topper, informally PARM
Vladimir Lenin's real last name ULYANOV
Whack ICE
What 1986 ___ romantic comedy got its title from a song by the Psychedelic Furs? HIGHSCHOOL
What a judge does for much of the day SITS
What annual game have the ___ won more than any other team? OKLAHOMASOONERS
What kind of tree ___? ALWAYSHASFOLIAGE
What ___ comes from a farm bird? DELAWARENICKNAME
Where were battleships sunk in an 1894 ___? JAPANESEVICTORY
Who wrote a 2003 best seller about a ___? SECRETCODE
Word said before 'do' ITLL
Words of triumph IWIN
World Cup cry OLE
Wry Bombeck ERMA
