February 25 2019 New York Times - Feb 25 2019 Puzzle Solution

New York Times - Feb 25 2019 Puzzle answer

Clues Answers
'As if!' MYEYE
'Close ___ no cigar' BUT
'Definitely so' YES
'Do ___ others ...' UNTO
'Mamma ___!' MIA
'S.N.L.' alum Carvey DANA
'The ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes,' per Harry Truman TACT
0, in World Cup scores NIL
100% positive SURE
Actor Kutcher ASHTON
Any digit in a googol after the first one ZERO
Barely make, with 'out' EKE
Big dinosaur, for short TREX
Big fuss TODO
Bracelet trinket CHARM
Break a hunger strike EAT
Comedian Love who co-hosts 'The Real' LONI
Compete in a slalom SKI
Composer known as the 'March King' SOUSA
Conclusion END
Doesn't leave STAYS
Egyptian cobra ASP
English actor Idris ELBA
Falls behind LAGS
Fashion STYLE
Fellow told to 'hop on the bus' in Paul Simon's '50 Ways to Leave Your Lover' GUS
Fishhook squirmer WORM
Former Chicago mayor Richard DALEY
Goldie of 'Snatched' HAWN
Good name for a gemologist OPAL
Grammarian's concern USAGE
Gymnast Strug KERRI
Harness strap REIN
Help wanted sign? SOS
Hideous UGLY
Hungarian composer Franz LISZT
Instrument for a Muse LYRE
Iranian currency RIAL
Jack-in-the-___ BOX
Clues Answers
Kind of carpet SHAG
Liability's opposite ASSET
Like a thermometer that's put in the mouth ORAL
Like many TV broadcasts INHD
Like the three branches of the U.S. government COEQUAL
Little Red Riding ___ HOOD
Look at with lust OGLE
Music format popular in the 1990s CDSINGLE
Nastase of tennis ILIE
Netflix's 'Bill ___ Saves the World' NYE
No longer in contention OUTOFTHERUNNING
On the ___ vive QUI
Once again ANEW
Paris subway METRO
PC key ALT
Pesky insect GNAT
Peter and Gordon, e.g DUO
Pittsburgh-based N.Y.S.E. company USSTEEL
Place to bring aluminum cans RECYCLINGCENTER
Poseidon's domain SEA
Prima donna DIVA
Race suggested by 19-, 39- and 59-Across? TRIATHLON
Rainy WET
Removes from office OUSTS
Seven 'deadly' things SINS
Steal, informally SWIPE
Step between two floors STAIR
Straighten ALIGN
Sudden loss of courage COLDFEET
Sword for an Olympian EPEE
The Cardinals, on scoreboards STL
Ticket leftover STUB
To a sickening degree ADNAUSEAM
Twilight time DUSK
Uncle's wife AUNT
___ all (email button) REPLY
___ horse (gymnastics apparatus) POMMEL
___ Scotia NOVA
