February 26 2019 New York Times - Feb 26 2019 Crossword Solution

New York Times - Feb 26 2019 Puzzle Answer

Clues Answers
'Open ___ ...' (store sign) TIL
'The ___ Club' (1970s-'80s televangelist show) PTL
'Tickle me' doll ELMO
1/12 of a foot INCH
Active conflict HOTWAR
Any sacrament RITE
Barn topper VANE
Believer in nudism NATURIST
Biblical verb with 'thou' DOST
Bitter beer, briefly IPA
Blue-blooded Brit ARISTO
Brewery in the Nikkei 225 ASAHI
British term for a row of houses converted from stables MEWS
Bronze coin in the Harry Potter books KNUT
Bygone Apple messenger ICHAT
C.I.A.'s Soviet counterpart KGB
Challenge to a bully MAKEME
Channel founded by Ted Turner CNN
Chess ending MATE
Clash with TILTAT
Classic Chrysler product KCAR
Cluster around an acorn OAKLEAVES
Coagulates CLOTS
Cold and moist, as a cellar DANK
Confucian philosophy TAO
Cover, as a knife ENSHEATHE
Critical point? NIT
Deux + un TROIS
Dublin's land EIRE
Economizes maybe too much SKIMPS
Emergency operation, for short EVAC
Entr'___ ACTE
Flight board posting, for short ETA
Formally end ABOLISH
Former competitor of Nikon and Canon MINOLTA
French river in fierce W.W. I fighting SOMME
God-given, as abilities INNATE
Green Knight's weapon in 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' AXE
Horseshoe-shaped letter OMEGA
Clues Answers
Indian yogurt dip RAITA
Is obliged to SHOULD
Italian port on the Adriatic Sea TRIESTE
Jannings who won the first Best Actor Oscar EMIL
Kicks out of the game EJECTS
Kipling's 'Rikki-Tikki-___' TAVI
Legal order WRIT
Liqueur whose name is Italian for 'a little bitter' AMARETTO
MGM symbol LION
Not pay for each drink individually, say RUNATAB
Nurse, as a newborn SUCKLE
Obsessive about details ANAL
Org. whose monthly magazine advertises magazines NRA
Partner of call BECK
Prefix with -mania KLEPTO
Protection for a lender LIEN
Put in a crate BOXUP
Raft-making wood BALSA
Religious setback? APSE
Ring champ Riddick BOWE
River that formed part of the border between East and West Germany ELBE
Rope fiber SISAL
Say hello to GREET
Shell's industry OIL
Smooth sheet material SILK
Sorrowful bell sound KNELL
Stone face? STUCCO
Student with a private teacher TUTEE
Sushi bar fish EEL
Take exception to something DEMUR
Tribal chiefs, typically ELDERS
Upstate N.Y. school RPI
View, as the future SEEINTO
Wastes gas, maybe IDLES
What a psychic may read PALM
What an 'O' means in XOXO HUG
What each set of circled letters in this puzzle represents JOINT
What's gained or lost with daylight saving time ONEHOUR
___ Reader UTNE
