March 10 2019 New York Times - Crossword Answers

New York Times - Mar 10 2019

Clues Answers
'Bus Stop' playwright INGE
'Hey ___' SIRI
'Likewise' IAMTOO
'No sweat' EASY
'Now I get it!' AHSO
'Sure, I guess' OHOK
'The Nutcracker' protagonist CLARA
1,000 large calories THERM
1993 Salt-N-Pepa hit whose title is a nonsense word SHOOP
A short while? THO
Abbr. on a phone dial OPER
Abound TEEM
Actor Gibson of '2 Fast 2 Furious' TYRESE
Actor Gillen of 'Game of Thrones' AIDAN
Actress Portia DEROSSI
Airport security apparatus XRAYCAMERA
Angular measurement RADIAN
Annual athletic awards show ESPYS
Archenemy NEMESIS
Attempted something GAVEITAGO
Blank section at the start of a cassette LEADER
Blobbish 'Li'l Abner' creature SHMOO
Booking for a wedding CATERER
Box score bit STAT
Brest friend AMIE
Brewery named for a New York river GENESEE
Caboose HEINIE
Certain red algae SEAMOSS
Contraction in a Christmas song TIS
Curse word OATH
Dawn goddess EOS
Demolition tool RAMMER
Dermatologist's concern CYST
Device that comes with 79-Across IPAD
Didn't doubt KNEW
Director Caro NIKI
Drop acid TRIP
Drop to zero battery DIE
Earth Science subj ECOL
Elvis's middle name ARON
Exclamation that might accompany a curtsy TADA
Exodus figure PHARAOH
Fashionable set GLITTERATI
Father-and-daughter boxing champs ALIS
Fictional Mr HYDE
First female singer to have three simultaneous solo top 10 singles ADELE
Fishmonger, at times SCALER
Follower of Christ? IAN
For sale in malls ATSTORES
Former national airline of Brazil VARIG
Founder of Egypt's 19th dynasty RAMSESI
Free all-ad publication SHOPPER
Gas brand with an oval logo ESSO
Get along COEXIST
Goes off course ERRS
Grassy stretches LEAS
Guitar inlay material NACRE
Handle online USERID
Hobbyist AMATEUR
Instrument that represents the duck in 'Peter and the Wolf' OBOE
K'ung Fu-___ (Chinese name for Confucius) TSE
Clues Answers
Kind of year: Abbr FISC
Lab-assisted, after 'in' VITRO
Lacework technique TATTING
Letters sometimes followed by :D LOL
Like cornflakes, after sitting for a while SOGGY
Like Quakers ANTIWAR
Like unbaked bread YEASTY
Made an attempt ENDEAVORED
Martinique, par exemple ILE
Middling mark CEE
Mullah's decree FATWA
Mystery Writers of America trophy EDGAR
Mystical ball, e.g ORB
New York's longest parkway, with 'the' TACONIC
Nonmoving part of a motor STATOR
Noted dog trainer PAVLOV
Notion IDEA
Old-fashioned cry of despair OME
On point APT
One way to turn ONADIME
Only places to find anteaters in the U.S ZOOS
Opening to an apology MEA
OxyContin, e.g OPIOID
Painter whose masterwork is said to be the Scrovegni Chapel frescoes GIOTTO
Part of T.G.I.F.: Abbr FRI
Phnom ___ PENH
Pitched low DEEP
Police group with an assignment DETAIL
Postwar German sobriquet DERALTE
Prognosticators SEERS
Put at stake RISK
R&B group with the 1991 #1 hit 'I Like the Way' HIFIVE
Relating to radioactive element #92 URANIC
Russian blue or Egyptian Mau CATBREED
Sappho, e.g POETESS
Seller of Famous Bowls KFC
She, in Portuguese ELA
Short cuts BOBS
Single hair on a carpet, maybe CLUE
Soldier food, for short MRE
Some giggling dolls ELMOS
Spanish-speaking Muppet on 'Sesame Street' ROSITA
Stick on, as a poster TAPETO
Sticks on the tongue? DEPRESSORS
Tapering haircut FADE
Tennis's Nadal RAFAEL
Test for college srs GRE
The 'x' in x^2 = 666 ROOTOFALLEVIL
The Caribbean's ___ Islands CAYMAN
The ___ Road in America (Nevada's Highway 50) LONELIEST
Theater reproof SHH
Theresa May, for one TORY
Things that people are warned not to cross EYES
Throw in the microwave, slangily ZAP
Turned yellow, say RIPENED
Two-stripe NCOs: Abbr CPLS
Verve BRIO
Vodka in a blue bottle SKYY
W.S.J. announcements IPOS
W.W. II rationing agcy OPA
Well-turned SHAPELY
Wrist ornament BANGLE
Wynken, Blynken and Nod, e.g TRIO
x - y = x - y SAMEDIFFERENCE
Years in the Roman Empire ANNI
___-chef SOUS
