March 12 2019 New York Times - Crossword Puzzle Answers

New York Times - Mar 12 2019

Clues Answers
'Green Book' co-star Mahershala ALI
'Listen!,' quaintly HARK
*Bo-o-o-ring event SNOOZEFEST
*Flop sweat producer PANICATTACK
*Go order a drink BELLYUPTOTHEBAR
*Scoffing remark to an ignoramus LIKEYOUKNOW
A puzzling direction ACROSS
According to PER
Aerodynamic SLEEK
Affected adversely, physically or psychologically TOOKATOLLON
After the ___ (when to leave a phone message) BEEP
Asleep OUT
Bagel go-with LOX
Bird in the flycatcher family PEWEE
Born: Fr NEE
Bringer of rain NIMBUSCLOUD
Car part called a bonnet in England HOOD
Clueless ATSEA
Comics exclamations EEKS
Content of a bog PEAT
Country on the Mediterranean: Abbr ISR
Creator of a logical 'razor' OCCAM
Fashion magazine with more than 40 international editions ELLE
Favorite PET
Frequent Andrew Wyeth model HELGA
Fresh NEW
Got chicken, say ATE
Gung-ho AVID
Happy ___ clam ASA
Homecoming returnee, informally ALUM
Jane ___, anonymous plaintiff ROE
Jumping pieces in a classic wooden puzzle PEGS
Kvetches CARPS
Largest moon of Saturn TITAN
Like an orange tan, say FAKE
Many a time OFT
Clues Answers
Military operation that might last for months SIEGE
Modern acronym for 'seize the day' YOLO
Mythology LORE
Noble title SIR
Nonverbal response to an insult SLAP
Oil installation RIG
Old Turkish title AGA
Org. with a Form 1040 IRS
Palindromic woman's name EVE
Part of the upper deck? ACE
Part to play ROLE
People who count to five by saying 'ett, tvÄ, tre, fyra, fem' SWEDES
Philosopher Zeno of ___ ELEA
Pince-___ (style of glasses) NEZ
Play mates? CAST
Psyche part EGO
Rage IRE
Ride, in two different senses NAG
Runaway best-selling Apple products of the 2000s IPODS
Screening area? DEN
Slight vestige TRACE
Some Dairy Queen orders CONES
Some Siouans OTOS
Sport, as a sport coat WEAR
Supply with updated parts RETROFIT
The 'x' in Euler's Identity: e^(i*pi) + 1 = x ZERO
The Cardinals, on scoreboards ARI
Touches down LANDS
Transitioned SEGUED
Utopian EDENIC
Very conventional ... or a hint to the starts of the answers to the four starred clues BUTTONDOWN
Village People hit with a spelled-out title YMCA
Way out EXIT
Website with crowdsourced reviews YELP
Western tribe member UTE
What a 'neat' drink is served without ICE
When a play's plot is set in motion ACTONE
[Bzzt!] ZAP
___ Godiva LADY
