March 14 2019 New York Times - Crossword Puzzle Answers

New York Times - Mar 14 2019

Clues Answers
'Are you ___?' MAD
'Close call!' PHEW
'Got it' ROGER
'Here's something for you to think about, you ingrate!' CHEWONT
'That so?' ITIS
'What are you waiting for?!' GETONIT
'___! 'tis true I have gone here and there' (start of a Shakespeare sonnet) ALAS
A geisha might be found in one KIMONO
Advice for relaxing EXHALE
Aid for a fugitive ALIAS
Animal that shares its name with a king of Thrace in the 'Iliad' RHESUS
Beginning of many workdays NINEAM
Brown or blacken SEAR
Burgoo, e.g STEW
Chinua who wrote 'Things Fall Apart' ACHEBE
Clothing department MENS
Coalition BLOC
Comfortable and welcoming HOMEY
Concert piece AMP
Edge NIP
Finding on MYTH
Frilly LACY
Get dressed (up) GUSSY
Habituate INURE
Have a quick look-see, say PEEKIN
In public OPENLY
Inc. alternative LLC
Incredulous question YOUDIDW
Judge appropriate SEEFIT
Kept for a rainy day LAIDAWAY
Kind of purse that sags HOBOBAG
Language of the pre-Roman Empire OLDLATIN
Manage to detach by hitting JARLOOSE
Mindlessly ONAUTO
Clues Answers
Ninny ASS
Norman Bates or his mother, in 'Psycho' ALTEREGO
Numbers game SUDOKU
One of the choices on a computer's 17-Across EDIT
One who spreads discord EMONGER
Onetime division of the Chrysler Corporation DESOTO
Order in the court WRIT
Overdo the flattery TOADY
Place for a king and queen PROM
Place where people are going with their drinks? BARCAR
Place where plots are hatched DEN
Politico who called the press 'nattering nabobs of negativism' AGNEW
Portable workstation LAPTOP
Prefix with particle NANO
Request during a physical checkup SAYAH
Self-referential META
Shade provider in Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' YEW
Shivering fit AGUE
Sights along the Champs-Élysées CAFES
Small WEE
Some IHOP choices SYRUPS
Spiritual guide LAMA
Suggested qty RDA
Sweatshirt part HOOD
Symbol of strength OAK
Take another shot at RETRY
Takedown piece CHETJOB
The radius runs along it ARM
Top-level list MAINMENU
Unpleasant find in a sweater MOTH
Welcome at the front door SHOWIN
Western villain ... or a hint to four answers in this puzzle BLACKHAT
Where many cabins are found SHIPS
Will, more emphatically SHALL
Worst in a competition BEST
[I don't care] SHRUG
___ it out (fights) DUKES
___-Pacific ASIA
