March 9 2019 New York Times Crossword Answer

New York Times - Mar 9 2019

Clues Answers
'Go to Hades!' DROPDEAD
'Goodness me!' IDECLARE
'Goodness me!' GOSH
'Guys and Dolls' composer/lyricist LOESSER
Adjust, in a way REORIENT
Alternatives to tablets GELCAPS
Applied, as perfume SPRITZED
Autocracy IRONRULE
Bit of resistance OHM
Brought back REDUX
Bunches ATON
Capital and largest city of East Timor DILI
Certain jazz club improvisation BASSSOLO
Classic British two-seater MGMIDGET
Cleaners, for short VACS
Clickers? TAPSHOES
Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,' for one BALLAD
Common camping equipment TENTPEGS
Computer programs? ONLINETV
Cyclops and Beast, for two XMEN
Decide not to take out STET
Deliberately underestimates LOWBALLS
Dramatic courtroom outburst ITSALIE
Drink with espresso and whipped cream VIENNACOFFEE
Eats like a bird PECKSAT
Escape ___ POD
Freeze that extends out from a coastline FASTICE
Goal of having no unread emails INBOXZERO
Golfs, for example VWS
Grand finale? DEE
Hit lists? TOPTENS
Clues Answers
John who wrote the 1959 best seller 'A Separate Peace' KNOWLES
Joie de vivre ELAN
Like fairways MOWN
Little bit DRIB
Lost ___ ART
Major exporter of artichokes and gold PERU
Medical breakthrough VACCINE
Modest article of swimwear with a portmanteau name BURKINI
Oxymoronic skiing condition DRYSNOW
Page in a film guide ELLEN
Partygoers may get a kick out of it THECONGA
Patron of Scotland STANDREW
Personal organizer nos EXTS
Pianist's finger-sliding GLISSANDO
Places to lie low HIDEOUTS
Ready to move on OVERIT
Remark after an awkward silence ALRIGHTYTHEN
Running the show, informally MCING
Significant investment, informally MIL
Some workers who stretch plastic materials DRAWMEN
Sorority letters XIS
Take the palm WIN
Took in GULLED
Trueheart of the comics TESS
Understand intuitively GROK
Vanity case? EGOTRIP
Wake-up call REVEILLE
Waldorf Astoria muralist SERT
When to wear a cocktail dress, traditionally AFTERSIX
Words of enlightenment AHISEE
XX, in Italy VENTI
