New York Times, Sunday, March 3, 2019 Crossword Puzzle Answer

New York Times - Mar 3 2019 Puzzle Clues and Answer

Clues Answers
'Easy to clean,' in adspeak NOMESS
'Hogwash!' PISH
'Who ___ kidding?' AMI
'Your money's no good here' ITSONME
48 in a cup: Abbr TSPS
About 4,200 feet, for the Golden Gate Bridge SPAN
Actor James CAAN
Advanced LENT
Ages and ages EON
All-Star pitcher Severino LUIS
Alpine climber IBEX
Artist Joseph Wright's 'A View of Catania With Mount ___ in the Distance' ETNA
Back-and-forth BANTER
Barry, Robin or Maurice of the Bee Gees GIBB
Beep again REPAGE
Being affected by yeast RISING
Bergman or Borg SWEDE
Brangelina, at one time ITEM
Caped fighters TOREROS
Cheerios TATAS
Chef Waters who wrote 'The Art of Simple Food' ALICE
Chummy pair? EMS
Cracker brand since 1831 CARRS
Cyberjunk SPAM
D.C. bigwigs POLS
Did a 'rotten' Halloween trick on EGGED
Divisions of the Westminster Dog Show BREEDS
Driving through some off-road terrain, say? ROLLINGINTHEJEEP
Eddie Bauer rival LLBEAN
End of some lists ETAL
Error at a bridge table MISDEAL
Extended attacks SIEGES
Fertile dirt LOAM
Figure out, informally WISEUPTO
French director Clair RENE
Garfield's girlfriend in the comics ARLENE
Gen ___ (millennials) YERS
Glaciologist's concern ICEAGE
Graduated SCALAR
Hairnets SNOODS
Harp-shaped constellation LYRA
Have ___ with ANIN
Ian : Scottish :: ___ : Portuguese JOAO
Imposed upon USED
Indicator of staccato, in music notation DOT
Individual's segment of a 4 x 400 relay LAP
Iranian money RIALS
Island in the East Indies TIMOR
Jacob's first wife LEAH
Japanese room divider SHOJI
Key with four sharps: Abbr EMAJ
Kind of stick for incense JOSS
Kunis of 'Bad Moms' MILA
Land and such REALTY
Land, to Livy TERRA
Last of the Stuarts ANNE
Launched STARTED
Lemon or lime COLOR
Let off the hook UNPEG
Letter opener? STEAM
Like Cheerios vis-à-vis Corn Flakes OATIER
Like Samuel Beckett's 'Endgame' ONEACT
Lothario DONJUAN
Masonry, e.g TRADE
Memory problems GAPS
More chilly NIPPIER
Clues Answers
Morlock victims, in sci-fi ELOI
Moves around aimlessly MILLS
Mystery writer Marsh NGAIO
Name on a green toy truck HESS
Native New Yorkers ONEIDAS
Neologism COINAGE
Not shipwrecked, say ASEA
Not so lenient STERNER
Org. of concern to the AARP SSA
Out of whack AMISS
Overly serious Irish dancers? GRAVEJIGGERS
People person? CELEB
Plain ___ JANE
Pocatello sch ISU
Ponytail holder SCRUNCHY
Praline ingredients PECANS
Prioritized in a hospital TRIAGED
Protective bank LEVEE
Put the pedal to the metal GUNIT
Rapper Rhymes BUSTA
Reclined LAIN
Red Rose PETE
Rent-___ ACAR
Rules, briefly REGS
S O S first responders USCG
San Francisco Giant, for example? JOCKOFTHEBAY
San Joaquin Valley city FRESNO
Sci-fi classic made into a 2004 film starring Will Smith IROBOT
Self-confidence, informally MOJO
Shaving aisle brand AFTA
Shower gift for a Gemini baby? JUNEBUGGY
Sicken with sweetness CLOY
Sign at a restricted area of the Playboy Mansion? JUSTBUNNIES
Sitarist Shankar RAVI
Sits up for food, say BEGS
Smackers LIPS
Some, in Sevilla UNAS
Something to do in a dojo KARATE
Spot EYE
Strains to hear, perhaps LEANSIN
Strauss opera with the 'Dance of the Seven Veils' SALOME
Subsequent ENSUING
Subside ABATE
Suffix with billion AIRE
Super Bowl ___ (game played February 3, 2019) LIII
Takes advantage (of) AVAILS
Tesla needs CHARGERS
Texter's bye-bye TTYL
This, e.g CLUE
Throwaway vault at a gymnastics meet? GARBAGEJUMP
Travel bummer JETLAG
Tree-lined walk ALAMEDA
Trig function COSINE
TV princess XENA
Twelvesome in 'Gone With the Wind' OAKS
Uncle Jorge, e.g TIO
Unemotional STOLID
Vacuum cleaner blockage? HOOVERJAM
Walk-in, for one CLOSET
What a record collector might flip over SIDEONE
Where G.I.s shop PXS
Write an order to replenish inventory of Levi's? MAKETHEJEANSLIST
X-ray ___ SPEX
Yahoo alternative GMAIL
___ Good Feelings ERAOF
